Page 37 of Wolf Obsessed

The GPS’s automated voice belted out through the car that our right turn was a mile ahead. We were almost there.

Lincoln lifted his head off mine and cleared his throat as he pulled away from our link to speak out loud to Brandon and Mark. “When we get there, I should be the one to do the talking.”

Mark flexed his hands on the wheel. “Please feel free to take the lead. I don’t want this to go south any more than anyone else does.”

Lincoln placed a kiss on my temple and then pulled away, moving back to the other side of the car. “The idea is for us to get in and out as quickly as possible. My dad usually doesn’t stick around for chitchat, so it won’t be out of the ordinary for us to get our product and leave.”

I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. “What about the wiretap? Did you have any time to do that yet?”

He had been on his computer, but that was to get the address for our dealer, or that’s what I thought he was doing.

Lincoln looked over and gave me a warm smile. “Trust me, I didn’t forget that. Everything is set up already. I did it while you were in the shower.”

I rolled my eyes and stifled a laugh. “It can’t possibly be that easy or fast, right?”

Lincoln chuckled as he cracked his knuckles. “It is when you know what you’re doing. It’s something that I’ve already been looking into for a while.”

Brandon turned around in his seat and looked back at us. “I’ve been telling my dad for a long time that we need to up our tech game.”

Lincoln swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, tech makes a big difference. And thankfully, my dad has no idea what he’s doing with it. Most of the men there don’t.”

Mark exhaled and flexed his hands on the wheel. “I guess that’s one thing for us, and we need everything we can get to get a leg up on your father. It’s something I think we can exploit when we have a chance to think about the best way to do it.”

Brandon cracked his knuckles. “You know, I know a bit about coding.”

Mark made a pfft sound as he shook his head. “That’s not the same thing.”

Brandon’s expression fell, and he looked out the window. “It is.”

Lincoln shifted in the seat as he glanced at me. “What sort of coding do you do?”

Brandon leaned his head against the window. “I’ve been building my own video games and host them on my own server.”

Lincoln’s brows lifted. “Really?”

Brandon didn’t get the chance to respond before the GPS told us to take a right.

Mark flipped on his blinker and made the turn. “We’ll be there in two minutes.”

I ran my hands up and down my pants as I tapped my foot lightly against the worn floorboard. I puffed out my cheeks and then let my breath out slowly, but it didn’t stop the pounding in my ears.

The car slowed. I blinked and flicked my gaze to the dash. We were still about three quarters of a mile away from the house.

“Don’t slow down. Don’t do anything that draws unwanted attention. Drive the speed limit.” Despite the incessant roaring in my head, my voice came out calm and even.

Lincoln put his hand on the back of Mark’s seat. “She’s right. We want to slip in and out with no incident and no attention.”

Brandon tapped his hands on his thighs as he moved his head back and forth like he was jamming out to a song, except there was no music playing. “Are we all getting out of the car?”

I pursed my lips. Brandon was a nervous ball of energy. Not that I was one to talk. I couldn’t sit still either. Mark had a fine sheen of sweat on his brow, but he knew how to stay collected under pressure.

I wrung my hands in my lap. “Brandon, I want you to take the driver’s seat. We all know you can maneuver a car quickly and safely should we need it. Mark, Lincoln, and I will go up to the house. Be ready to go if we need to make a hasty retreat.”

Brandon nodded. “Got it. I’m the getaway driver.” He let out a nervous laugh.

I reached forward and gripped his shoulder. “I’m hoping it won’t come to that.”

He continued to bob his head up and down.