Page 35 of Wolf Obsessed

A smile spread over my dad’s face, and his eyes lit up as he met my gaze.

He cleared his throat as he turned his attention back to Lincoln. “Do you think the dealer will give it to you since you’re not your father?”

Lincoln looked down at his hands as he flexed them in his lap. “It’s my understanding that the guy is a drug dealer. He wants to get the goods sold as quickly as possible. I know my dad has sent other trusted men there without him. It shouldn’t be an issue.”

My dad exhaled and nodded. “The plan seems solid. I want you to leave if you’re feeling up to it, Lincoln?”

I swallowed and rubbed my palms up and down my legs as I gazed at Lincoln. He’d been unconscious for days and had barely just woken up. I prayed we weren’t pushing him too fast.

Lincoln shifted on the couch, making it creak with his movements. “I know I’m not one hundred percent, but I know what I can do, and I’m sure that I can handle this.”

My dad narrowed his eyes, giving Lincoln an appraising look. “If you think you can do it, then you have my blessing to go as soon as you’re ready. Probably the sooner the better. I would like to send Mark and maybe Brandon with you.”

My heart fell. I’d kind of been hoping to have some time alone with Lincoln again. I wasn’t going to argue, though. My dad was right—we needed more people with us.

Lincoln inclined his head. “That’s a good idea. I want to take a quick shower and get a change of clothes. I need to also set up the wiretap to make sure Sawyer’s cover is protected, but I think we’ll be ready to leave within the hour.”

My dad pressed his lips together in a tight smile. He ran a hand through his thinning hair and met my gaze. “These past few weeks, you sure made it hard for your old man to sleep at night.”

My mouth popped open, and I started to protest.

My dad held up a hand. “I don’t mean that as an insult. Sloane, there’s something I want to talk to you about before you go. It’ll give you some time to think about it before you make a decision.”

I leaned forward, putting my elbows on my knees and resting my chin on my palm. “Is everything okay?”

My dad chuckled lightly and looked away. He licked his lips and sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before turning back to me. “Darren was supposed to be my successor.”

Dad cleared his throat and looked down as he fiddled with his wedding ring. “I’ve been thinking long and hard about who I should name as my successor now that he’s gone. Brandon isn’t anywhere near ready, and Mark is strong and would qualify, but he doesn’t have the heart. Erica is much too young. I want it to be you, Sloane. These past few weeks, you’ve shown that you are every bit as capable of putting the pack ahead of your own well-being, as well as thinking smart and in the best interest of the pack.“

A lump formed in my throat, and a weight pressed against my chest, making it hard for me to breathe. There were some days I wasn’t sure I could take care of myself, and he wanted me to take care of the pack? It was a crazy idea.

Dad got up and came to sit on the opposite side of me. He picked up my hand and held it. “I’m sure this is a surprise to you. I understand. It’s not something you asked for or probably ever thought about. But I’ve given it a lot of thought since your brother…”

He swallowed hard before clearing his throat. “I don’t expect an answer from you today, Sloane. Use your time away to think if this would be a good fit for you. Being an alpha is not easy. I fear it will only get rougher the longer this war drags on.”

Tears pricked my eyes. “You sound like you’re planning on not being around, Daddy.”

My dad pulled me into a hug and made a hushing noise. “Believe me, Sloane, I have no intention of going anywhere. But we are entering into a war, and there will be casualties. If I were to fall, I want to make sure that I have my successor chosen. The last thing we need is a scramble for power, and I prefer the pack stay with our family.”

I squeezed my eyes shut briefly. A few tears trickled down my cheeks. My great grandfather had founded the pack and built this house around eighty years ago.

I understood what he was saying. It made perfect sense from his standpoint. Still, a cold chill zipped down my spine, and my heart hammered harder. Nothing was going to happen to him, so I shouldn’t be worried, but what if something did? Would I be able to run the pack? If I took over and failed I’d be letting him down.

My dad pulled back and cupped my face with his hands. “Promise me you’ll think about it, and you can let me know when you get back.”

I bit my trembling lip and gave him a curt nod.

The reality of what he was asking made my head spin and blurred the room.

Pull yourself together.

Mark and Brandon weren’t ready to be alpha or didn’t want it. Erica was much too young. If I didn’t take the lead, then our pack would be gone. The home I fought for would belong to another man.

My dad might be giving me a choice. But the way I saw it, I didn’t have any choice at all. I would have to say yes.

Me, an alpha.

I wasn’t ready.