Page 4 of Wolf Obsessed

My eyes burned as angry tears filled them.

What’s done is done. No use crying over something you can’t change.

I grabbed the thermometer from my nightstand and scanned it over his head. I released a breath and let my head fall to my chest. No fever, thank goodness. Maybe I was getting into my own head.

I’d spent so much time in here with him that I couldn’t think straight anymore.

A soft knock on my door drew me from my thoughts.

I looked over my shoulder and then back at Lincoln before standing up and padding across the plush carpet to the door.

Once I opened it, Willa offered me a smile and gave me a small wave. Her long hair was down and freshly washed. I could still smell the honeysuckle from her shampoo.

Her eyes brightened as she met my gaze. “Hey, I thought I’d come and check on you. I haven’t seen you all day.”

I motioned for her to come in and shut the door behind her. Then I fell against it and let my head hit the wood. “Sorry, I just haven’t felt right about leaving him alone.”

Willa wrapped her arms around her middle and looked at the bed as she shifted on her feet. The bulge where her leg was wrapped reminded me that she had her own injury and shouldn’t be standing.

I pushed off the door, pulled out my desk chair, and rolled it toward her. “Here, why don’t you have a seat? How is your leg?”

Willa walked to the chair, her limp almost completely gone now. “It’s doing good. There’s going to be a really nasty scar, but I don’t think I’m going to have this limp forever. The pain is so much better now, too.”

She sat down and rubbed her leg.

A genuine smile pulled at my lips. “That’s great news. I’m glad to hear it.”

Willa’s gaze drifted to Lincoln, and she sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “What about Lincoln? Has there been any change?”

Shaking my head, I sat down on the edge of the bed and clasped my hands in my lap as I stared down at them. “No.”

Willa’s brows knitted together as she frowned. “I’m sorry. He’s tough though. Look at him. Most people would be dead. He’s still fighting. That’s a good sign.”

Her words tugged at my heart. I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth to keep it from trembling. She was right, though. I needed to get my head on straight.

“He has to be fighting.” He was still alive because he was still fighting. It made him strong. He was going to pull through. I had to believe that for both our sakes. Sawyer’s too.

Willa leaned back in the chair and pulled one leg up, her heel on the seat. “How have you been feeling? You were hurt too.”

I shrugged. “I’m doing okay. My injuries were nowhere near as severe as Lincoln’s or yours.”

My leg had been broken. I hadn’t been thrown out a window or been sliced open clear to the bone. Nor had I had a nearly lethal dose of wolfsbane forced into my body. I’d been lucky compared to Willa and Lincoln.

Willa made a humming noise as she rocked the chair back and forth like she might try to spin it. “Have you left your room at all today?”

I shook my head and reached behind me to put my hand over Lincoln’s leg. “No, I keep hoping he’s going to wake up, and I don’t want him to be alone if that happens. He’s not even going to know where he is or what happened.”

Willa stopped rocking and hugged her knee to her chest. “I can understand that. I got knocked out when I was captured and had no idea where I was when I woke up until I saw Alpha Dane looming over me.”

She shuddered and pulled her leg in tighter. “At least he’ll be waking up in a warm bed instead of in the back of a van. And the room smells like you. That will be calming.”

Willa and I had never really talked about what happened when she was captured. The only thing I knew was that she and Jacob had been separated.

“You’re right. Being surrounded by my scent should help. Waking up in the back of a van sounds awful. I didn’t realize that’s what happened.”

Willa blew out a shaky breath and then forced out a laugh as she waved her hand. “It’s fine. It all worked out in the end. I’m here with Jacob, and we’re safe. That’s all that matters.”

Keeping my grasp on Lincoln’s leg, I tucked my legs crisscrossed on the bed. “Is Jacob on patrol tonight?”