An icy chill zipped down my spine, making me shiver.
My mom shifted on her feet before closing the distance and coming to sit next to me. She took my free hand in hers and lifted it into her lap. “He could get worse. It could be a sign that his body is shutting down. He’s been stable this entire time, though, so I’d like to think that this is progress, and his body is fighting off everything.”
She offered me a kind smile as she squeezed my hand. “There isn’t much else I can do for him. We should know soon whether he’s out of the woods or whether he’s worsening.”
I bit my trembling lip. “Thank you for helping him.”
Dad came over and knelt in front of me. “You don’t have to thank us for helping him. He’s important to you, Sloane, so he’s important to us too. And he saved your life. We’ll be forever grateful to him for that.”
I sucked in a painful breath as I clutched my mom’s hand. “I can’t lose him.”
Mom pulled me into a hug, and Dad enveloped us both.
Mom made a shushing noise as she ran her fingers through my hair. “You are strong, my love. Regardless of what happens, we will all get through this together. I’m going to do everything I can for him, I promise.”
I closed my eyes and relaxed into my parents’ strong, warm arms. They would both do everything they could for Lincoln. I knew that.
We sat huddled together for I couldn’t even tell how long.
Dad pulled away first, took Mom’s hand, and helped her up from the bed. “We should all try to get some sleep now. It’s getting late, and tomorrow’s going to be another busy day. It’s important now more than ever that we all get as much rest as we can so we stay sharp.”
I nodded. Every muscle I had ached like I’d spent too many hours in the gym. My eyelids were heavy too, but I didn’t think sleep would come.
My mom cupped my face with her palm. “I’ll bring up some ibuprofen that you can give him in a few hours. Until the fever breaks, we should try to keep his body temperature as low as we can keep it so he doesn’t have any more seizures.”
I bit my lip and turned to Lincoln. He looked so fragile beneath the cold, wet towels and not like the strong man he’d been when we first met. He’d saved my life a few days ago thanks to his brute strength.
I bit my lip. “Is there anything else I can do for him?”
What if he was in pain? Or cold? Or too hot? I hated not being able to reach him.
My mom gave my face a gentle pat before she removed her hand. “Just keep an eye on him and make sure his fever doesn’t get too high again. I’ll be right back up with the supplies you’ll need.”
Dad put his hand on my shoulder. “Stay strong, Sloane. Everything is going to be okay.”
My heart swelled, and I swallowed hard. I wanted to believe him.
My parents walked out of the room together, closing the door softly. The floorboards in the hallway creaked as they made their way to the stairs.
I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself. No wonder I was cold. I was practically sopping wet from lying next to Lincoln.
I got up and rocked up onto the tips of my toes, stretching, wincing when the action pulled at my tight muscles. I grimaced and rolled my shoulders back before making my way to the bathroom. Only a shower could help soothe my aches and worries.
In case Lincoln needed me, I left the bathroom door open and then reached into the shower to turn the water as hot as I dared.
In the mirror’s reflection, my hair looked a mess. Tangles snarled my long, limp locks like I hadn’t washed it in days. Bags hung under my eyes, and my skin had paled.
I sighed as I picked up my brush and dragged it through the rat’s nest on my head. My mom and dad were right. I needed to start taking better care of myself. I wouldn’t do Lincoln, Sawyer, or the pack any good if I was sick or too weak to defend us.
I blew out my breath and stripped out of my clothes before stepping under the hot stream. The water eased the tension in my muscles, and I stood under the spray with my eyes closed for a moment, enjoying the feel of it pelting against my skin.
As soon as I stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel, the air around me buzzed, and gooseflesh pimpled my skin as the familiar tingling shot through me.
Sawyer materialized a few feet in front of me, his brows pinched together and worry lines framing his eyes. “Sloane, is everything okay?”
I clutched my panties to my chest, my heart kicking up a notch. I was buck naked.
When he saw me, his eyes widened and raked over me, and his tongue darted out to wet his lips.