Page 17 of Wolf Obsessed

He was right. I had been bold tonight. Something had taken hold of me, and I didn’t know what.

Dad patted my shoulder and then looped his arm through mine as we started walking again. “You know, it’s not unheard of for mates to amplify characteristics for each other. Sawyer is an alpha and Lincoln a sigma. Both strong, independent men in their own rights.”

I pursed my lips as I considered that. “Sawyer was there with me tonight. Truth be told, he’s the one who saved me. If he hadn’t come, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”

That wasn’t entirely true. I’d probably be halfway back to Pack Wolf Blood by now.

My dad made a clucking sound. “I don’t think all of that was Sawyer. Some of it was you. It’s always been there, just below the surface. But I think his influence is what helped it come out tonight.”

“Hmmm, maybe.”

Dad stopped me again and put his hand on my elbow. “Don’t discredit yourself, Sloane. Going to Pack Wolf Blood, standing up to Alpha Dane to save Willa, going back for Lincoln. That was all you. You’re stronger than you realize. Don’t you forget that.”

I wasn’t so sure about that, but I didn’t want to argue.

My shoulders slumped as I let out a long breath. “Do you really think we can trust these guys that Mikey sent here?”

Dad went quiet for a long moment. He opened then shut then opened his mouth again. He pulled us back along the path so we headed toward the house.

“Alpha Dane rules with an iron fist. Some people relish that kind of leadership and thrive in it. But there are others who are too scared or who have other things involved who won’t do anything even if they’d like to. I’d like to think our new friend falls into the latter category.”

I grimaced as my foot found a sharp rock. I cursed under my breath and hopped on one foot as I tried not to trip.

Dad caught me before I could go down and pulled me to his side. “I’ll have your brothers bring your things back up to the house once the sun rises.”

The bright white porch light shone like a beacon at the front of our house. The glow lit up the entire porch, and the faint smell of dinner still drifted in the air. I hadn’t even really gotten to enjoy my mom’s spaghetti tonight.

My dad put his hand on the railing as we made our way up the steps. “You did good tonight, Sloane. I want you to keep up that energy, even if it is hard.”

I jerked my chin up, holding my head high, even though every muscle in my body ached like I’d put myself through the ringer. “I’ll do my best, Dad.”

He tucked his finger under my chin. “I know you will. You’re so strong. I hope one day you’ll see that and trust in yourself more.”

He nudged my jaw and then nodded at the house. “I’m sure you’re anxious to return to Lincoln. Let me know if there’s been any change. I would love to talk to him and thank him for everything he did for you.”

My chest tightened at the mention of Lincoln. Oh my, I’ve been gone for so long. I’d only meant to go for dinner and a quick run, but it had been hours at this point.

“Night, Daddy. I’ll see you in the morning.”

I bounded up the rest of the porch steps and threw open the creaky screen door before opening the main door and hurrying inside.

Upstairs, I shoved my bedroom door open but caught it just before it hit the opposite wall. There lay Lincoln, sleeping in the same position as when I’d left. He looked peaceful, his face relaxed.

I reached out to him through our bond. There was still a big black void where he should’ve been.

A lump formed in my throat as I closed the door. Movement to my right caught my eye.

Willa sat in my desk chair sound asleep, her head tilted at an angle that would probably make her neck cramp. She had the chair lying back with her legs propped up on the side of the bed.

I smiled as tears pricked my eyes. She’d stayed in here until I came back.

Willa had become something like a sister but also a best friend, all in a couple of weeks.

I tiptoed toward her and put my hand on her shoulder, giving her a gentle shake. “Hey, sweetie. Wake up. I’m back.”

Willa’s face scrunched up, and her lips smacked together as her eyes blinked open. “I’m sorry. I must’ve dozed.”

She peered around me, her eyes widening as she put her hands on her chest. She let out a sigh when she realized Lincoln hadn’t moved. “I swear I was only sleeping for a second.”