Page 6 of Wolf Obsessed

My mom went back to the sink to resume the dishes, sloshing the steamy water as she did them. “You also need to make sure that you’re taking the time to go out and shift.”

I cleared my throat. “Maybe tomorrow.”

My wolf bristled at my words. I hadn’t let her out since the night we came home. She was eager to run and stretch her legs.

My mom turned to look at me as she continued to vigorously scrub a pot. “No. I want you to go out tonight. You haven’t shifted since the day you came home. The last thing you want is for that bone to not heal properly.”

Her brows drew together as she frowned. “And it’s not good for your wolf either. You need to take care of yourself, my love. I’m insisting you go out tonight. It’s not a negotiation.”

I opened my mouth, not entirely sure if I was going to agree or protest, but I didn’t get the chance.

My mom set the sponge back in the sink and grabbed the dish towel to dry her hands. “I’m not taking no for an answer. Don’t make me have your brothers go out with you. They’ll make sure you not only go out, but also keep you out longer than you’ll want to.”

I held up my hand and then went back to the microwave to pull my dinner out. “Fine. I’ll do it as soon as I’m done eating.”

She nodded. “Good.”

I glanced around the kitchen, catching the time on the stove. It was almost nine o’clock at night. I had no idea where the day had gone.

My mom went back to the dishes while I chowed down on my spaghetti and meatballs.

She glanced over her shoulder. “How have you been feeling?”

I wound some spaghetti around my fork. “Tired, worried.”

Like I was losing my mind.

My mom fell silent for a long moment as she continued to scrub at the dishes. “I know you worry over Lincoln, but you must keep up your strength. This war won’t end anytime soon. We all need to stay strong. I fear that this is going to continue on for a very long time.”

I shoved a meatball into my mouth, chewed, then swallowed. “Do we still have more people coming here?”

My mom pulled the plug and let the water drain out of the sink. “We hear from more packs every day. There are plenty of people willing to come and fight with us. The more people involved, the bloodier it will get, and the longer it’s going to take to come to a resolution.”

She put a hand over her chest and fiddled with her necklace. “We must all save our strength for the time to come.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. I chewed on more spaghetti and swallowed it down.

My mom opened her mouth like she might say something else, but the kitchen door opened, and my dad peeked in. “Good, you’re both in here. I need to speak with the both of you in my office right now.”



I tugged on the ends of my sweater as I followed my mom into my dad’s office. I stretched my fingers against the soft fabric and tried to keep my breathing even. Dad never called us into his office urgently unless there was something going on.

I shut the door and turned the lock with trembling fingers before following my mom to the couch, where we both took a seat. I sat on the edge and fisted my hands in my lap.

Mark and Brandon sat on the couch opposite us. Brandon stared at something on the wall to my right, and Mark couldn’t sit still. He kept bouncing his leg up and down and running a hand through his hair.

My dad stood in a spot between the two couches and looked down at the floor as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. He turned to my mom and me. “I spoke with the sheriff a few minutes ago. He stopped out here to check up on a few things.”

Dad scrubbed a hand over his face and closed his eyes for a moment. “He was telling me that he was following up on the lead I gave him about Darin’s death. He found something interesting when he was doing his searching.”

I scooted forward. Dad hadn’t wanted to involve the sheriff, but circumstances and the way that we’d received my brother’s body had made it impossible not to.

I swallowed, my heart pounding faster as I waited for my dad to continue.

His jaw worked, and he had to draw in a few deep breaths. Talking about my brother was so hard for him. It was hard for us all.