Lincoln held up a hand. “Not necessarily. I think I can put a wiretap on his phone. Dad knows I’m smart with that kind of thing. He wouldn’t have to know when it went on. It might actually not be a bad idea to do anyway. With the tap, I would be able to see who he calls, which would mean I could have traced his dealer’s location.”
A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. “He did it to us. We should do it to him. Except this time, make sure that he has no way of finding out about it.”
Sawyer nodded. “That’s a good idea, but if I’m to keep my cover, he’ll have to find out about it. Otherwise, the suspicion will fall on me.”
I scrunched up my nose. “Yeah, you’re right. But at least it’ll keep you safe. It gives you an out and plausible deniability that you weren’t involved in helping us.”
Sawyer let his head fall back, and he rolled his shoulders. “If you’re going to do this, you need to get moving. It needs to happen today.”
I wrapped my arms around myself. “It’s a good idea. I think we need to go talk to my father.”
He would need to sign off on it. Nothing happened in this pack without his authorization.
Lincoln put his arm around my shoulder. “Do you think he’ll approve it?”
I worried my bottom lip as I considered my answer. “I think he will.”
He might not like it. I knew he was terrified of losing any more of his children. But this was war, and we needed every advantage we could get. Not only would the drug even the playing field, but it would hopefully buy us precious time for more wolves to arrive.
Sawyer reached out like he was going to hug us, but then he dropped his hands back to his sides. “I should be getting back. Be safe.”
I lunged forward and threw my arms around his neck, pulling him to me. “Take care of yourself. Try to come as often as you can so we know you’re safe and can keep you updated.”
Lincoln pressed himself against my back, enveloping us both in a hug as he sandwiched me between them. “She’s right, Sawyer. You need to stop carrying this burden by yourself. We’re here to help.”
Sawyer clapped Lincoln on the back as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’ll try. Take care of each other.”
He disappeared, leaving Lincoln and me alone in the kitchen.
Lincoln pulled me tighter against his chest and leaned his head over my shoulder. “We should go speak with your father.”
I nodded as I grasped his hand and led the way through the house to my father’s study. The door was partially open, which meant that he was available to speak to people. He only ever closed it when he was in a meeting or having a conversation not everyone should hear.
I knocked and then poked my head in.
My dad looked up from the stack of papers he was reviewing. He smiled when he saw me and waved me in.
Dad got up from his desk and reached his hand out to Lincoln to clasp his palm. “I’m glad to see you on your feet. You gave us all quite a terrible scare. How are you feeling?”
Lincoln shook my dad’s hand. “Still a little rough, but a lot better. Thank you for everything.”
My dad put his hand on Lincoln’s shoulder. “It is I who should be thanking you. You kept my daughter safe and protected her with your life. I will forever be indebted to you for that.”
Lincoln gave a tight-lipped smile and swallowed.
“Dad, we have something to speak with you about, and it’s very time sensitive,” I told him.
My dad motioned to the two plush couches in the center of the room. Lincoln and I sat on one, and he took the one opposite us.
I wiped my clammy hands on my pants and shared a look with Lincoln, who gave me an encouraging nod. I sucked in a deep breath and let it out before telling my dad the entire plan we’d come up with in the kitchen.
When I was done, he sat back on the couch, rubbing his jaw. “And you have a location, and you think you can get there and back without incident?”
I sat up taller. “I trust Sawyer. The information is good, and this will give us the advantage that we need and hopefully delay the attack.”
My dad tilted his head from side to side, seeming to consider it. “It’s a good idea. I’m proud of you both.”
Lincoln patted my leg. “It was all her idea, sir. She came up with it.”