Page 13 of Wolf Obsessed

Sloane’s dad glared at the enforcer, his face flushed red and his chest heaving. “Wolves choose their pack. Sloane went there as a peace offering. Your pack violated that, and she chose to return home. No one should be forced to live under those conditions.”

The enforcer scowled and shook his head. “The days of wolves choosing their packs are over. Alpha Dane is going to be the ultimate alpha. He will rule everyone. Those who stand against him will be slaughtered.”

The enforcer’s face hardened. “She’d make it a lot easier on herself if she returns willingly. He might go easy on her.”

I fisted my hands at my sides. My jaw ached from how hard I clenched it. This fool didn’t know my dad at all. He must’ve been new. I’d never seen him before.

Sloane marched forward, her head held high, and stopped between her father and me. “Alpha Dane is a tyrant. He will be stopped. We won’t let him continue to terrorize our home.”

The prisoner glanced at Sloane for the first time. His eyes raked up and down her body like he was sizing her up or checking her out. It made my hackles rise.

Sloane crossed her arms over her chest. “How many other men are here with you?”

The enforcer laughed, but it sounded pained. “Like I’m going to tell you that.”

Sloane’s dad put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a gentle pat before he addressed the enforcer. “We have ways to make you talk. We’re giving you the easy option first.”

Sloane swallowed and wavered on her feet before standing strong again.

I reached out and touched her elbow, letting my finger trail down her arm until I grasped her hand. “You know this has to be done. He won’t talk, and your pack needs answers.”

She swallowed as she met my gaze, her eyes wide.

I clutched her hand tighter, lifting it so I could kiss the back. “Trust in your alpha and me.”

Her lips twitched and spread into a small smile, and she inclined her head, holding her chin high.

My heart swelled. Sloane was so strong and brave.

The enforcer scrunched up his nose and then grinned. “You can torture me all you want. I won’t talk. My loyalties are to Alpha Dane.”

Sloane’s dad rubbed his chin. “Who said anything about torture? I’m not like your alpha. I’m not cold and callous, and I’m smart enough to know that if you serve him, you most likely relish pain.”

I frowned. Wait, we weren’t torturing him?

The enforcer snarled and wiggled his arms, making the rungs that he hung from tremble.

The alpha took a step forward, avoiding the prisoner’s swinging legs. “You see, I don’t think we have to do anything to get you to talk. I think just being here is enough to make you mad.”

My frown deepened. The prisoner grimaced, and a growl echoed through the barn.

Sloane put her hands on her hips, her chin jutting out. “You failed Alpha Dane. Not only were you caught, but you let me best you. A girl who you grossly underestimated, but he won’t see it that way. I should have been easy pickings. We both know too well what your alpha does to those he deems weak.”

Oh. That’s their play. Interesting. It just might work.

The enforcer snarled. The chains beat against the wooden beams, sending dust and debris raining down around us.

A few of the men stepped back, but not my Sloane. She stayed right next to her father, standing tall and proud.

Her dad gave her a subtle nod, and she strode forward .

Sloane stopped just out of reach of the guy’s legs. “Not only were you bested, but you allowed yourself to get caught. What do you think Alpha Dane will do to you when he finds you?”

She cocked her head to the side. “I don’t imagine you want to find out.”

The man lunged, his legs kicking out.

Sloane exhaled, flinching slightly but stood her ground.