“More,” I plead, unsure which of my mates has me now. Or if they both do. The flush of burning need crawling through me doesn’t care. My every nerve ending tingles. Gravity seems meaningless, and the physics of our play boggles my mind, but the only science I care about is how to find relief for the throbbing that starts at my core and spirals through the runes along my spine until even my scalp and fingertips buzz.

“You heard her,” Atticus says against my throat, his kisses skimming over my sweat-dampened skin.

He drops me, and Jace spins me upside down, his mouth between my thighs as my hair falls to hang and blood rushes to my head. I fumble with searching hands, hoping my front is to his chest so I’ll find the prize I seek. If they’re double teaming me to drive me insane, it seems fair that I get to play as well. My fingers slip around his erection, tracing the length that has filled me with perfection and the ridges that have rubbed me until I saw stars. Score! I wrap my hand around him and delight in his hiss.

“Not so fast, love,” he says and tosses me again.

I yelp, clawing through empty air for safety that comes seconds later when I’m wrapped in muscled arms, pushed against a hard chest, and comforted by the steady beat of wings.


Calloused palms pass over my skin, moving in a claiming that screams ownership, and I want him to own me.

“I wish I could see you right now,” I whisper.

“Soon enough. Until then, just enjoy the sensations. Sure you’re ready for more?” he asks, sliding me lower to rub his erection between my folds.

I writhe, not only ready for more but needing it now. “Please.”

“As my queen commands.” He grips my hips, letting me sink onto him one blissful inch at a time. When my body adjusts to take all of him, he times smooth, slow thrusts with the beat of his wings. I clench around him, and oh my god, it feels so good.

I’m weightless and heavy at the same time. He adjusts his hold, spreading my thighs wider, and he hits inside me at just the right angle. I’m floating, addicted to this high. An orgasm steals over me with more intensity than I’ve ever known, and the tingling ramps into a full-fledged thrumming. I shiver, and my body goes slack.

Jace curses. “Is that all coming from her?” he asks Atticus, concern clear in his voice.

I climb back from oblivion, needing to know what has him worried. “Is what coming from me?” I fumble for the blindfold.

“No, love,” he croons. “Leave it on. You’re shining bright enough to be a beacon for every living being in the Borderlands, but we’ve got you wrapped in shadows. We won’t let anyone see our mate.”

I moan at the possessiveness in his tone.

“Not now.” Atticus turns me in his arms, his claws wrapped around my thighs to keep them open. “Not ever. We’ll never share you with anyone else. You own us just as we own you.”

My muscles go lax, and I melt in his arms. Yep, obsessive domination works for me. Oh…does it work for me. In fact, I’m still soft and yielding when Jace slides inside me in a single, deep thrust. I try to wrap my legs around him, but I’m worn out from the freefalls and he has to hold me in place as he grinds in slow circles.

“That’s my love,” Jace says. “My good girl.”

I whimper.

“Our good girl,” Atticus adds. “Our queen. Our everything.”

Kill me now. I could go happily blissed out and high on gargoyle pheromones.

“Come again for me,” Jace says.

The sensations overwhelm. Tears prick my eyes. Everything feels too good, too potent, too much. “I can’t,” I whine.

“Oh, but you can, and you will.” He kisses his way along my jaw, his tail curling over my breast. “You’ll come for me, and then you’ll come for us. Won’t you, love?”

“Yes,” I say on a gasp, letting him tangle his claws in my hair and tug my head back. I want that. All of it. Anything and everything they’re offering.

“So slick,” he says. “Isn’t she wet for us, Atticus?”

My other mate hums over my shoulder. “She’s perfect. Think her pretty cunt can take us both?”

I tense, frozen with the thought of the pain that might come with what he’s asking while my heart pounds with the pleasure his tone promises. I nod, but my head goes heavy and I lean against him.

“Let us do the work, love.”