She gets impossibly wetter around me. “More.”

“Are you my sexy, wicked woman?”

I’m gifted with her gasp, and she grinds against me.

My beautiful goddess loves dirty talk. The filthier, the better. But I change tactics, inspired by the woman who gives so selflessly, so completely. Sinking deeper, I ask, “Or…are you my good girl? My best of girls in all the realms?”

“Yes.” She whimpers, and the runes on her spine shimmer to life.

The magic snaps my threadbare restraint. I slam into her again and again, hard and fast, my skin smacking against her gorgeous flesh to make it bounce, to make her pant and writhe. “Come for me, little queen.”

Rosemarie explodes beneath me, the runes shining until I have to blink away their blinding brightness. I buck into her, rough and unrelenting, taking my own release while driving her to another orgasm and snarling as she screams.

Pulling her into my arms, I draw her close, my chest aching when she leans into me as if she feels the same about me as I do about her, as if she loves me.

I can’t say the words, can’t risk the rejection. Not when she’s already given me everything.

Together, we can face tomorrow night’s formal presentation of the candidates to the elders and the entire keep. The Spidress will outfit her, Truman will make sure we have as much intel as possible, and Rona will ward her as only the brownie can. Besides, now that we’re mates, there’s nothing they can do to us that we can’t overcome.

A few more nights, and Rosemarie will be crowned. Whispers of doubt swirl through my mind. Dyphena was murdered while under my guard. Sure, I distanced myself from the woman because Jace believed she’d been meant for him alone. But had my coldness killed her as much as the murderer? Did my careful distance create an opening for dark magic to creep in?

I can’t risk the same with Rosemarie who is warm and sweet and vulnerable in my arms.

She buries her nose against my neck, the tender tickling making me want to clutch her even tighter. “More of that,” she says in a sleepy, satisfied whisper. “Less training for queen trials.”

Her words make me smile. “We can explore so many decadent possibilities between your training sessions.”


“Promise.” I kiss her hair, stroke her bare leg with my tail, breathe in her scent. “Nothing will stop us from worshipping our little queen as mate.”

I just need to keep her safe.

But how do I protect her from an enemy I can’t see?

I hug her to my chest and wrap my wings around her.

My queen.

My life.

My mate.

My love.

We’ll get through the presentation, and then I can worry about the rest. Even the elders won’t be able to find flaw with Rosemarie.




Nerves bubble in my stomach like a vile case of food poisoning. Or maybe I should say potion poisoning since I wait in the crowded courtyard of a magical castle in another realm surrounded by gargoyles. Who’d have thought this would be my life only weeks ago?

A raised wooden platform stands beside the Bridge in front of the Royal Tower. Taller than even Jace’s wings, the stage has a single staircase with no rails. Long and narrow, it looks like something out of a medieval horror movie. I almost expect to hear a royal decree for condemned traitors to be dragged up the stairs for execution. Worse, whoever built it didn’t bother with solid construction, and the flimsy structure sways in the cold night breeze. Of course, they probably threw it together in a hurry since it wasn’t there the last time I left the tower.

Although I haven’t paid attention to the courtyard or anything but getting laid over and over again thanks to the twins. The thought has my skin flushing and my gut clenching. I need to quit swooning over how stupid hot my mates are when they compete to see who can make me orgasm harder. Seriously, I just have to make it through a (hopefully short) formal presentation and then we can return to our tower and continue discovering new ways to make each other come undone.