“Run, human,” I say. “Before I make sure she has one less competitor for her crown.”

Cutter’s candidate wrinkles her nose. “You can’t?—”

I corral Jace into the tower, making sure not to touch his new mate in the process, and slam the door in the blonde’s face.

My head throbs. I rub the ridges over my nose. Rosemarie reaches up to help, and I step away. “Don’t,” I snap. Her hurt gaze has me softening my tone. “Not with the mating connection being so new. My brother’s likely to take my head off if you touch me. Give him a few hours to let the bond’s rawness fade.”

She widens her beautiful eyes. “How did you know?”

“I can smell him all over you.” I regret my honesty with the way her face flushes. “Besides, you two look at each other as I imagine only mates could.”

“Are you okay with this?” she asks me, but she turns her gaze toward Jace. My brother. Her mate.

I’m not jealous.

I can’t even think the lie.

I’m so fucking jealous I can barely breathe.

“I will be fine.” I jerk my head toward the stairs. “Go. We can catch up tonight after we rise from our stone forms.”

She nods, but Jace is already rushing her up the stairs. Her giggles taunt me. If I hadn’t set such a dumb rule about waiting for her coronation, trying to be noble and fair to her, working to give her a choice now after I coerced her into coming to this realm, she might have chosen me for a mate. My claws curl into fists.

I head for the roof, unable to stay in the house for the sounds of her pleasure, for the scent of her arousal. Maybe if I give them space, the bitter envy will stop burning a hole in my chest. Serving her as my queen should be my goal. Resentment will only fuel the dangerous obsession that already winds through me when it comes to wanting Rosemarie.

Slumping to a seat on a short column, I swear I’ll allow myself these few short hours to sulk, and then I’ll move on.

Magic steals over me when the sun stands almost directly overhead, finally changing me to stone.

But I’m alone.

Jace hasn’t come up to seek his daytime resting spot. Stuck in stone, I keep watch.

Cutter’s blonde doesn’t return. Mildrake has installed bars over the windows and a dozen guards to prevent his captive from fleeing. Those two would use slyness or strength to take down Rosemarie. It’s the third candidate who I can’t read. She stares out of her tower window as if keeping watch with me. The Spidress and Truman say she’s too scared to speak, but I know from personal experience that sometimes it’s the quiet ones who can be the biggest threat.

If I can’t overcome my obsession with Rosemarie, I risk my redemption and my brother’s happiness. I can’t even think about the favor I promised the demon who gave her to us. Forcing those doubts aside, I concentrate on strategy. Rosemarie doesn’t need my emotions. She needs my sharp mind, and I’ll be sure she has it. I vow to shove down any petty feelings.

Only hours later, I teeter at the brink of breaking my vow.

The sun drops in the sky, and the two moons glimmer faintly. Dusk approaches. It should be here in minutes, but not soon enough.

Not when Rosemarie joins me on the roof without Jace.

The scent of their connection has faded which might be explained by her wet hair and mingled perfumes of soap and shampoo. Hudyakis swoops to perch on a nearby column.

Her visit starts innocently enough with her staring at my stone form. “I got tired of waiting for you,” she says as she circles me slowly. “So I came up here to keep you company until your change.”

I sit silent and still, unable to respond.

“I know you came up with the idea of making me wait for the coronation to claim a mate,” she continues. “I get it. I really do. You meant to be honorable and respectful because that’s what you do for your queen.” She strokes her hand over my wing, and the sensation sends tingles streaking through me.

I’m stone. I can’t move. It doesn’t mean I can’t feel her touch.

Tracing her fingertips along the spine of the same wing, she huffs a breath that sounds a little like a laugh. Gods, I wish I could see her, but no, I’m stuck…waiting.

Her voice comes again. “If I had dealt with half my own issues before we met, I could’ve seen straight past your asshole act in the beginning to realize how much you wanted me.” Rounding me once more, she steps between my thighs. “Maybe I could’ve called you out on it.” She comes closer. “Maybe I could’ve convinced you that I made my decision the night of the runes.” Rosemarie drags her hand along my jaw, her nails scraping against my stone.

Is this a joke? Is Jace standing behind me, already able to move? Did the full mating bond unlock new powers for him?