I’ll live to be hers.

She flicks her tongue over her lips, and I have to kiss her, to drink her in and swallow her moans. I’ve hated myself for so long. Loving her will be my salvation. Gods, I had no idea salvation would taste so sweet.

Every muscle in her pussy clamps around me as though she’s strangling my cock. She screams, and I suck that down too, tasting its heat on my tongue and loving the way she goes limp against me as I stop fighting and find my finish. I take my release inside her, marking my mate for the world to know I’m hers.

More importantly, she’s mine.

And I’ll lay ruin to entire realms if anyone tries to take her from me.




Dawn came over an hour ago which means Rosemarie and Jace should be headed home from training. I set aside the audio recordings that Truman made to help Rosemarie with gargoyle history. Extensive reading with her dyslexia wears her out, and she already has too much to do between the physical training and magical studies. With the trials so close, I can’t help but wonder if we’ve overwhelmed her. Or worse, if we’ve neglected our duties by stealing so much of her study time to simply love her. Yet I won’t regret a second of watching her come apart as her runes shine.

I head to the rooftop to wait for their return, and sunlight bathes my skin. Every morning we’re able to stay in this form longer and longer without being forced to our stone sleep. It has to be the mating magic, growing stronger with each of Rosemarie’s orgasms on our fingers and tongues.

Researching the histories turns up no other queens in over a millennium with the power and potential Rosemarie has. She’s the destined savior of the Bridge, our realm, and her own.

The fated mates part? I can wait a few more days until after her coronation to give her time to make that choice.

When she has all the power. As she deserves.

I can be patient, responsible, and restrained, even if each time I see her, I can barely keep from demanding she choose now, bending her over the nearest flat surface, holding her down, and thrusting inside her until she screams my name.

I inhale the morning air, and the scent of human fills my nose. Not Rosemarie’s sweetness. No, this smells sour, edged in Cutter’s stench.

Why would any human other than Rosemarie be near our tower? I launch from the roof, landing atop the gate that leads to the Borderlands. A slim blonde sneaks near the wall separating the keep from the River of Souls, coming closer to our tower with each step.

“You shouldn’t be out here,” I tell her, dropping from my hiding spot.

She freezes, but it takes only seconds for her look of shock to turn to a sneer. “You shouldn’t be awake.”

The human’s beautiful but cold with a haughty attitude that could make her only one person. “Cutter’s candidate, I presume.”

She flicks her gaze over me. “Half of the failed prophecy twins, I presume.” Her voice mocks with the same superiority complex as Cutter would use.

Fucking Cutter. I hate him, and I’m not telling his candidate spy that the prophecy didn’t fail. Dyphena’s murder might have been fate’s horrible way of making sure the prophecy comes true with Rosemarie. The gods can play with our lives like that in their petty awfulness.

“Go back to your tower,” I tell her. “And stay there. It’s not safe to wander the keep.”

“Why? You think another wyvern’s gonna cross and grab me? Since you and your twin obviously lured it over here somehow?”

“What?” What the hell is she talking about? “No, my brother and I didn’t?—”

“Whatever. Cutter says all this craziness will stop once I’m queen and you two are executed.”

I open my mouth to answer when Jace lands next to me, Rosemarie wrapped in his arms with her own around his neck. One whiff, and I know.

Those two have mated. So much for waiting until after the coronation. Damn, I want to hate him, to cheer for him, to congratulate them, to flatten him, but nosy not-a-queen here needs to leave first.

She stares at Rosemarie as Jace lets our queen slide down his body, and the other candidate curls her lip. “Oh my god, you didn’t just come here to compete, did you? You’re with them.” Disgust fills her voice. “You…you monster fucker.”

Jace snarls and steps in front of Rosemarie. His possessiveness is on full display, and he won’t hesitate to destroy the other woman if it’ll appease the mating bond while their connection’s so new. “She’s my m?—”

“His most revered queen,” I interrupt, flaring my wings and blocking the other candidate’s view. I’ve screwed up already with letting Cutter’s spy know that we can day walk. If Cutter can confirm that Rosemarie has chosen Jace as a mate, let alone that she’s fated to be ours—no, I can’t think of how horrible his scheming might become. Not if Rosemarie would be his target. I should have played this smarter.