Atticus takes my earlobe between his teeth. The pressure and slightest sting have me shutting up so I can focus on how good this feels. He wraps a hand around the front of my throat, not squeezing, just resting his fingers there, and the weight of them has me softening in his hold, allowing him to take over completely. His claws prick at my skin, not breaking it, but giving me another sensation to latch onto instead of overthinking, overanalyzing, over worrying.

“It’s a mating thing,” he says on a growl. “Now, will you let us take care of you as you agreed before?”

I nod, scooting back against him, but his wings stop me.

“You want to come?” he asks. “To ease the aching?”

My throat goes thick around the promise in his words, and my tongue tangles on nothing and everything if he means to go through with this. I nod again.

“Good,” he says. “Let us give you what you need.”

I can’t without returning the favor, right? That’s how it worked with partners in my past. “But—” I reach toward Jace.

Atticus’s grip on my hair tightens ever so slightly. “No buts. This night’s about you. Right, brother?”

“Definitely,” Jace drawls and catches me when his twin gives me a little push. Taking care that my hair falls over my shoulder, he lowers me to my elbows with a slow trace of his claws along my forearms. “Got any ideas from those books you read?” The teasing in his voice almost covers the rough gravel rumble. Almost.

“I do.” Atticus’s chuckle is pure sin. “Plenty of ideas to keep us both busy taking care of her all night.”

I swallow a moan. All night? These two might kill me.

Jace brushes a touch along my jaw, climbing off the bed to kneel on the floor beside me. He slides his hand into my hair, scratching his claws softly against my scalp to leave tingles in their wake. “Still want kisses from me, love?”

“Absolutely. All the kisses.” I capture his mouth. He tastes like salt, smoke, and moonlit nights. The rasp of his breath and a subtle purr coming from his chest hypnotize me. The moment I can use my hands, I plan to run them all over him. But for now, I’m caught between him and Atticus, and I couldn’t dream of a sweeter cage than being trapped between them.

Atticus runs his hands, wings, and tail over me, slowly inching toward my core. “Open for us, little queen.”

The nickname leaves me shivering, and I let him slide my knees apart like I’m a doll for his pleasure because the teasing has me climbing toward ecstasy.

He blamed being mates like it was a magical answer for this all-consuming need. Can he be right? No one else knew how to touch me, where to linger, when to press, and how soon to pull away—especially not the first time. I’m trembling, my heart’s racing, and I know this should feel forbidden because they’re near strangers, monsters, twins, but I can’t explain how right this feels. Forget the should. I’m crazy about them both.

“You’re thinking too much,” Jace says against my lips as he curls his tail to graze my nipples. “Which means we need to try harder, brother.”

“You hear that, little queen?” Atticus grumbles near my hip, and I push against him. “We’ll wipe that pretty mind of all your worries with a few orgasms. I have the strength to easily go until dawn. How about you, Jace?”

“Sounds like fun.” He follows a naughty chuckle with another deep kiss, licking into my mouth.

I whimper. It’s not brave or strong or any of the things I try so hard to be, but it’s all I can do when threatened with this gargoyle’s idea of a good time. The shock of a finger sliding inside me has me crying out, and the touch retreats only to return.

“More,” I whisper, and both eagerly step up their seduction. The strength in my arms goes out, and I would fall except they catch me and hold me upright.

“Smell that sweetness,” Atticus says.

Jace runs his nose along my cheek. “I swear you’ll have us both wearing your scent for weeks.”

I don’t know whether to gloat or apologize, and my flush goes even hotter. “Please, please, please.” I chant the word like a prayer. Need builds inside me, spiraling up and up until I’m at the edge.

“We’re just getting started.” Atticus slips another finger inside me, and I see stars, double moons, and probably some freakin’ After Worlds insane shit too.

“Damn,” Jace says. “Make her do it again.” He kisses me softly on the lips, then nips his way along my throat to my collarbone. “Gods, you’re beautiful when you come.” He leans back to look at me. “Cheeks flushed, hair a mess around my fingers, nipples tight.” His tongue—dark blue and freakin’ incredibly hot—flashes between his fangs before licking my breast. Without him moving. His tongue is that long.

“Wha—?” I can’t get the question out with Atticus still torturing my core, coaxing me to another climax.

Jace grins. “I’ve been holding back in our kisses.”

“Thank the gods,” Atticus mutters against my thigh. “Or you would’ve strangled the poor girl.” He twists his fingers inside me, and I gasp. “On second thought, we should switch places so you can taste how sweet she is.”

I try to duck my head as his meaning hits, but Jace holds tight. “I’d be delighted,” he says, his face so close that our breaths tangle, and I want to steal another kiss as soon as I can breathe. “What do you say, love?”