“Cold,” she says. “I was scared out there, and the jitters are partially from the adrenaline dump, but I’m freezing.”

I wish I could be the one to warm her.

Atticus tips his head toward the running water. “She asked for a bath, but I suggested she first shower off the mud and blood I got on her when I carried her upstairs.”

Which reminds me of how filthy I am. Gods, I must stink. I take a step back.

“Don’t leave me.” Rosemarie’s voice wavers. “Please.”

I freeze, unsure of what to say or do. Atticus is no help. He just stares as if this situation has unfolded exactly as his game plan said it should.

“I need both of you,” she says. “Everything got so crazy out there, and the only thing that makes sense is when I’m with the two of you. And Huey.” She glances over my shoulder and grins, reaching out a hand which reveals more bare skin. “There you are, little guy.” He buzzes past me to her. “Thank goodness. I was worried about you out there with that ginormous bird-looking beast that showed up. So much for only worrying about big, bad hawks and harpies who could be out to get you. That thing could’ve lifted a horse. Come, let me make sure you’re okay.”

I snap my gaze to Atticus who raises his brow. Yep, she doesn’t know that her friendly little owl is also the giant steel-winged creature who put himself between her and whatever threat he sensed. Or she wouldn’t be nuzzling his head as if he's one of the teddy bears I saw her give to pediatric patients.

“Hudyakis?” I keep my voice soft so as not to spoil whatever has led her to wanting me to remain with her. “Why don’t you see if Rona has a feast prepared for you given your heroic efforts tonight? We won’t leave her side, no matter what. I promise.” Alarms or an apocalypse couldn’t tear me away as long as she wants me here.

With a happy chirp and encouragement from Rosemarie, he flies off to beg the brownie for whatever befits the savior of our future queen.

“I’m so glad he wasn’t hurt,” Rosemarie says, her protective and nurturing nature so powerful that I want to ask her to shed a bit of that grace my way. Yet I won’t lie to her about Hudyakis.

“The creature who showed up to save you?” I study her reactions, ready to change subjects immediately if I need to. Whatever it takes to keep her feeling safe.


Since she doesn’t sound scared, I continue, “That was Hudyakis in his true soul guardian form.”

Her mouth drops open, and her eyes go wide. “That was Huey? The—” She raises her arms to demonstrate size and stops to clutch at the blanket.

My heart stutters as if I’m the one having a breakdown. Gods, she’s completely naked beneath the blanket. All that golden skin is only a thin cover away. My brain repeats the memory of her earlier nude beauty in a loop that plays on repeat.

“Want me to add it to the list of problems?” Atticus asks her.

“Yep,” she says. “I can process later that my sweet baby owl is also a giant, red-fanged, scary monster. At least he’s on our side.”

“Your side,” Atticus clarifies. “Huey serves only your interests.”

“List of problems?” I ask. When did they start a list together?

She nods. “Huey’s shifting into a big scary monster doesn’t go near the top. Someone out there tried to scramble my thoughts with crazy that doesn’t belong to me. I mean I have my own stuff to work through, but that wasn’t mine.”

“Dark magic.” I lift the charm I’d forgotten I was holding with naked Rosemarie being so close. “Rona said she sensed it on you. She sent this up to help.” I move to hand it to her before remembering I’m filthy. Hell, I probably still have wyvern poison on my protection leathers. I freeze. “Sorry. I didn’t think?—”

Atticus interrupts, but he doesn’t take his eyes off Rosemarie. “You should tell Jace your plan.”

She glances at me and her gaze drops to the floor.

“What is it?” I ask. “You know I’ll go along with whatever.” I don’t add as long as it keeps her safe because Atticus wouldn’t have told her to share it if it meant the least bit of risk to our future queen.

My twin butts in again, but I don’t think he’s trying to maneuver her any more than what comes naturally to him. “We can work through everything else later,” he says. “Together.”

Rosemarie bites her bottom lip, then straightens her spine as if she has made up her mind to share whatever is bothering her. Damn, her intense gaze is anxiety inducing.

And hot.

“First,” she says, “you have to strip.”

What the fuck is happening right now? Is she kidding? Have I walked into a prank? At least she’s not kicking me out. But…