
I’m not a virgin anymore because my best friend’s brother is fucking me.

Yeah, I know it seems like I’m kind of obsessing in a crazy way. Well, what can I say? I think I might be obsessing crazily if I were sixteen and losing my virginity in the back seat of some boy’s car. I think there are probably a million ways that I might be obsessing crazily.

For now, though, my crush is moving on top of me, and there’s nothing I can think of that feels more powerful to me than that fact. I’m not a virgin. My crush took my virginity.

Chapter Five

I’m an idiot.

That’s it. I’m a complete idiot. When the world was first established and humanity first exploded from wherever it exploded from; it was ordained that there would be some idiots and some complete idiots. There would be some absolutely idiotic idiots who really ought to spend their time hiding from reality because there sure as hell wasn’t any chance in the world that they should ever be entrusted to make any decisions for themselves or for others.

Yeah, that’s what goes through my mind as Clay’s cock slides into my virgin asshole.

I’m an idiot.

And now, I’m an idiot in a great deal of pain.

We’re at the house. We’re in my room. I live here permanently now. I’m on my side and he’s behind me. Spooning is a sweet and romantic thing, right? Well, it loses some of the romance when it also involves a dick barreling past my tiniest little opening regardless of whether or not it’s going to fit easily or, for that matter, going to fit at all.

But that’s what’s up.

His cock is in my ass and I’m using every bit of energy, power, and restraint I possess in order to keep from letting on how devastating the circumstances are. I mean, this pain is impossible!

Because I’m an idiot.

After six months, I kind of get it in my head that Clay must be getting bored. I mean, I make sure he cums a lot. I do all I can to make sure he cums at least twice a day. If he gets home and TJ won’t be home for an hour, you can bet that I’ll be on my knees with my mouth around him before he’s come four steps into the house.

Oh, TJ figured out the relationship two days after she got home. There was no hiding it from her. She just looked at me and said, “Okay, so you’re fucking my brother now?”

After the awkwardness, there were shrieks and giggles and stuff.

Anyway, after six months, I started to think Clay must be bored so I wanted to fix that situation. I mean, it’s not like he’s not getting plenty of action. I make sure he has access to my body at all times. I just decided that the word No doesn’t exist when it comes to him. I mean, there isn’t a time so far when I want to use that word. I’ve made a commitment to myself, though, that I won’t use it even if I want to. I’m going to make sure Clay is absolutely satisfied at all times. It’s not a very complicated concept. I don’t want him ever leaving the house feeling any kind of need.

But I get it in my head that Clay must be getting bored. I mean, I’m really good with my mouth now. I’m good with my throat, too. I’m good and I’m very athletic when it comes to moving the rest of my body during sex. I don’t know why I decided that Clay must be getting bored but I do. I suppose there’s just no way to get that sort of thing out of your head once it’s there, right?

So, we spoon and I cum very hard. I make him cum hard. My body is alight with pleasure and his strong arms are around me. Instead of enjoying the afterglow and thinking about how incredible it is to have a man like clay, I reach down, pull his cock out of my pussy, and guide it back to my tiny, virgin rosebud. When I feel the head of his cock against my puckered opening, it feels so dirty and naughty, you know.

And so, I say, “Fuck me, Clay! Fuck my ass!”

Yeah, that was stupid.

I mean, I could have just gradually moved my hand and my body together as his cock eased into me, right? I could have handled things in a thousand different ways, none of which would have involved telling my man to shove his giant prick into my poor little virgin asshole.

He shoves.

My asshole doesn’t have a chance, and when he thrusts forward, it completely overpowers me so I can’t even think. The pain is absolutely breathtaking, agony that goes well beyond anything I’m used to. I mean, I like for there to be a little pain with Clay. I like to feel like he fucks me hard enough it will take me some time to recover. I like that.

This goes way beyond that, though.

This is sheer, unadulterated agony.

I don’t think there’s any real way for me to explain the pain. It’s just beyond any pain in my past. Worse, it’s well beyond what I think I can handle. It goes so far beyond what I’m capable of handling that I feel like I’m going to pass out.

And instead, I cum.

And I scream at the top of my lungs. I can’t breathe, though, so the top of my lungs is just a kind of wheezing thing. I feel my pussy spasming and grasping on the emptiness inside of it while my asshole clenches tightly to Clay’s shaft as I shake in front of him. I can’t comprehend anything at all and the strangest thing is that it still hurts!