Let me put it another way. I decide I’m going to suck his cock. That day while he’s gone, I work up all the courage. When he gets home, I have dinner waiting for him, and the smile I get in response is a pretty damned powerful reward. We talk for a little while. He can’t tell me much about his day past faxing what TJ needed because, of course, he’s an outlaw biker. He’s not going to be sharing whatever it is that he and the Midnight Devils are up to, right?

Anyway, we eat and then watch a movie. I snuggle close to him but not in a way that suggests anything sexual. I kind of play things up, like I’m still kind of tender and bruised from the whole bedroom incident. Sure, it’s manipulative but what do you expect? I’m a twenty-two-year-old virgin. He’s an outlaw biker. It’s not like I have a lot of ways to feel close and intimate before I make things happen right?

Anyway, I wimp out. We go to bed separately.

But a few hours later, I walked to his room. It’s kind of funny because I’m wearing just a tee shirt. That’s how this whole thing started. I crawl under the blankets and before I can change my mind, get my mouth on his cock.

Chapter Three

I can’t give you any brilliant explanation here. I mean, sure, I can tell you why my mouth is on Clay’s cock. I’ve got my mouth on him because it’s the only thing about which I feel confident when it comes to sex. I’ve got my mouth on Clay because I don’t feel like I’m going to be any good my first time, right? I mean, I know I can give him a good blowjob, so that’s why my mouth is on his cock.

But the deeper question, the whole reason why I feel like I must get Clay off in the first place… Well, that’s not as easy to explain. He certainly doesn’t treat me like there’s an expectation involved. He doesn’t behave like I’m obligated or anything like that. On the contrary, Clay has been the most gentlemanly man on Earth.

And now my lips are moving along his shaft.

I can’t deny that this is the best experience of my life. I mean, there’s something damned amazing about giving a blowjob to a man because I want that man to feel pleasure and not… Yeah, that makes it seem like all of my previous blowjobs didn’t involve giving a man pleasure. That’s not at all what I’m trying to say here. What I mean is that in the past, a blowjob was just something that eventually happened because I liked a guy but he didn’t really have any shot at all when it came to going all the way with me. I never thought of it as an end unto itself, as something to enjoy as it happened.

But that was before Clay.

And his cock is growing hard as I suck and try with all my might not to moan. I know he’s going to wake up soon. I just want him to remain asleep for as long as possible. I don’t know why exactly except that there’s probably just a little worry that he might stop me when he wakes up. So, the idea that he might stay asleep for a long time means that he’s body will get more geared up for sex sooner. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it feels like the longer he sleeps the further along he’ll be when he wakes up. The hope is he’ll be too far gone to stop himself.

I mean, I don’t know why he would want to stop from a purely physical standpoint. Sure, Clay’s a biker god. No woman is going to measure up to him. He could have any girl he wants. I mean, I’m not a prize compared to what he could have. I’m just one other girl he could enjoy whenever he wants.


I mean, that makes it seem like I’m not good-looking. All I’m trying to say is that Clay can pretty much have any girl he wants. If he decides he doesn’t want to deal with the drama of being with his sisters best friend, he’s not going to miss out on any orgasms. Having said that, though, I have a very nice body. I have a very pretty face. I mean, I’m exactly what men want. Clay can get lots of girls like me, sure. Most men, though, don’t have what Clay has.

Yeah, I’m just going crazy in my head right now because I want it to be good for him, and when he wakes up, I want him to let me continue.

And then his cock is right at the opening of my throat.

It takes me a second to figure out what happened.

Only a second because I feel Clay’s hand on the back of my head.

And then, his cock is pushing into my throat. Okay, so that’s panic inducing! I mean, how in the world am I supposed to take Clay’s cock, as enormous as it is, into my throat? More to the point, what makes me think that it’s up to me or that I need to figure out anything?

Clay’s hand is on the back of my head, and that cock is going in my throat. It’s a done deal.

And it might be the most panic inducing thing on Earth as he holds me in place and forces that cock of his in. He just slowly, carefully fucks my throat. I don’t know any other way to put it. He’s not fast or violent about. Still, there’s no question at all about where his cock is going and there’s no question at all about whether or not it’s going there.

When I feel my nose press right against him so it’s buried in his pubic hair, I also feel his cock swell in my throat. I’m sure there are some things in this life more challenging than Clay cumming in my throat. I’m sure there has to be something. Whatever it might be, though, doesn’t come to mind. I just gulp and swallow and try not to choke to death.

He holds me like that for a long time, his cock all the way in my throat. He holds me like that long after he’s finished cumming, and I feel weak and lightheaded. It’s a wonder I don’t pass out.

When he pulls me up abruptly, I gulp in air, and that’s when my body is kind of flooded with sensation. In the midst of the deepthroat and the panic that came along with it, I didn’t realize just how my body reacted. Now, my pussy feels like it’s going to explode, and my nipples feel so hard I think I’ll just fall apart. And then, he has me on my back.

I gasp as he spreads my legs and puts his mouth on me. I have absolutely no frame of reference for the sensations that go through my body. All I can say is that the experience is entirely new for me, and completely impossible to comprehend. I guess like any other girl, I fantasize about someone going down on me but I can tell you that it never really occurs to me how good it might be. As Clay’s tongue moves up and down my slit, it’s like I’m learning for the first time just how much sensation my pussy is capable of experiencing.

And the crazy thing is that I feel weak and helpless from how my lips were stuck at the base of his cock. There’s something really powerful about that as well. Ultimately, I’m receiving more pleasure than I ever thought possible but the memory of my utterly helpless state, my complete inability to influence or impact anything about whether or not I would ever breathe again, makes me feel helpless and unable to function or react.

I don’t know why I love it but I do. I don’t know why the sense of helplessness and even a little bit of fear makes things so powerful.

What I can tell you is that as his hands move over my body and he claims me as his own, his tongue flicks over me, wriggles over me, moves over me, and drives me to the point where I can’t even think. I decided I probably ought to tell Clay I’m a virgin but then I drive over the edge and any thought disappears. When my orgasm hits, my entire body locks up and I might roll right up into a ball if not for Clay figuring out that I’m cumming, sliding up, and thrusting his cock into my pussy.

Chapter Four

“Clay!” I scream as his cock slides into my pussy.