Chapter One

Have you ever done something and you know you’re wrong but you still do it? What about when you know it’s wrong before you do it but you decide you’re still going to do it? Maybe you know it’s wrong while you’re in the middle of doing it. You don’t stop. You keep doing it.

Well, in my defense, Clay has a magnificent cock.

I guess that actually doesn’t seem like it’s a defense. In fact, it just makes me seem even shallower. Well, it’s true, though, and this is the first time in my life I actually get a good look at it. See, at the moment, Clay is asleep. The blankets are draped over him but not completely. One leg is out of the blanket and, of course, so is that perfect cock of his.

It’s big.

I mean, really big.

Even though he’s soft right now, his cock seems bigger than any I’ve ever seen hard. It’s doubly incredible to look at when you take into account the fact that the way the blankets partially cover him almost makes it seem like his cock is highlighted by some kind of a spotlight.

I should turn away.

I shouldn’t keep staring.

Clay is off-limits.

He’s given me more orgasms than any other human being. When I say that, what I mean is that the only orgasms I’ve ever achieved have arrived via masturbation. Clay is the object of my masturbatory fantasies that lead to successful orgasm more than anyone else.

My first orgasm came about while I thought about Clay. That was something like ten years ago, I think. Back then, Clay was seventeen. I was just starting Junior High. I discovered my clit that year and as I explored what I discovered, I brought images of Clay, my best friend’s brother, with me.

And I’ve pretty much focused on Clay for every sexual fantasy of my life.

Given that my life only has sexual fantasy and no actual sexual reality, that makes a lot of sense, right? Why not fantasize about the sexiest guy there is if you’re not actually sexually active.

Oh way.

Okay, I’ve sucked a few dicks.

I mean, there’s nobody I liked enough over the course of my life to go all the way but there were a few boys over the years I liked enough to fool around with. There were some really nice guys, actually. I think the problem, really, is just than none of them were Clay, and Clay was kind of imprinted on me. I’m twenty-two years old and Clay’s still the only real crush I’ve ever had.

Yeah, I’m a twenty-two-year-old virgin obsessed with a man I can’t have. Sometimes, I’m convinced that I’m a virgin because I’m saving myself for Clay. That makes no sense, of course, because Clay is off-limits now, off-limits tomorrow, and off-limits indefinitely.

But damn, I can’t look away from his cock.

I’m at his house. Well, I’m at his sister’s house. TJ. She and I have been best friends forever, which is why it’s entirely out of line for me to stare at Clay’s cock the way I do. I don’t just mean how it’s a horrible invasion of privacy. I mean, Clay is my best friend’s brother. He’s not available to me. He’s off limits and I shouldn’t be thinking of his cock at all!

I certainly shouldn’t be standing at his cracked open door and keeping my eyes on his dick! It’s enough to make me wish my friend weren’t gone for two weeks.

I’m just back in Pinecrest Peak. It’s a lovely little mountain town. I grew up here, and TJ and I have been inseparable for about as long as I can remember. My first memory of the two of us was when she played the cowardly lion and I played Dorothy back in kindergarten. There are best friends in the world, and then there’s what TJ and I have.

So, it’s entirely out of line for me to stare at her brother’s dick.

I have to say, I think the only thing that keeps me from just standing there forever is that outside, there are some rutting elk making noise. It happens every spring out here. They’re not usually so close but the sound shocks me out of my paralysis. It also makes Clay stir, so I very quickly move away from the doorway and down the hallway. A moment later, I’m in the shower trying to get my mind to calm down. I’m not very successful at that, I might add. I mean, I keep seeing that cock of his.

Anyway, I get out of the shower and dry off and then hurry over to the guest room. I don’t know what I’m going to wear and my clothes are kind of disorganized instead of packed up carefully. I end up pulling on a very tight tee shirt just because it’s on top of the bag. That’s it. I’m wearing just the tight tee shirt and trying to wrap my head around things.

It’s no good.

I decide I have to just borrow something of TJ’s. Since the guest room is right across from her room, I just rush across the hallway and inside. A moment later, I’m there in her closet looking at possibilities. It’s kind of dumb because I should have at least pulled some panties on first, right? Well, instead of paying attention to any of that, I just try to find pants.

And Clay walks into her room.

And Clay sees me naked except for the tight tee shirt.

And I’m not talking from behind so that he sees my ass, something humiliating but maybe not as horribly overwhelming.