Page 56 of Trial of Destiny

I briefly consider going with her anyway to offer my support. But the way she’s looking at me, I can tell it’s not a good idea. She means it. She wants to be alone, and maybe she actually needs some time for herself.

Kate says goodbye and makes her way to her room. I check the time. If I hurry, I can catch Ayden and only be a few minutes late. The Fabricis won’t let it slide, but the extra time with Ayden is worth it.

I hurry along the corridors and arrive at his room. I raise my hand to knock when I hear a deep voice, and it sounds pretty angry.

“Are you taking care of Claire? That’s not the impression I get. I rarely see you with her. Ayden, I need to fully depend on you here. She’s always been fond of you, and that’s a good thing. Everything that ties her to this world will be important later when her powers develop. She’s been preparing for this day for years, and she has great strength of character. She could be the one we’ve all been waiting for: the first goddess willing to work with the Council. You know how incredibly valuable that would be for us. So I expect you to anticipate her every wish and do everything in your power to make her happy.”

I catch my breath. I don’t believe what I’m hearing. His father can’t demand that of him!

“I’m a hunter, but I have my own life too, and I’m not going to fake feelings for Claire that aren’t real. That’s not what she needs, and it would only wind up hurting her. Which is exactly what we all want to avoid.”

“Sure, if she finds out. But I know you’re a damn good actor. Maybe she’ll get tired of you too at some point, who knows? But right now, you’re an important ally to her, and I expect you to continue to play your part. As we all do.”

I can hear the blood surging through my veins, and my horror at what I’ve just heard gives me a chill. My fists are clenched. If I’m this angry, I hate to think how Ayden feels.

“And I’m happy to be there for her. As a friend. No more and no less,” he replies in a cool, steady voice. “Nobody can demand more of me.”

“Oh yes, they can, and you know it. Is it about the girl? As I’m sure you realize, I’m not happy about you picking up with her again. But I don’t interfere. It’s your business. As long as you fulfill your duties to our satisfaction. But it sounds to me like she’s getting in the way of that. Claire wants to throw a party to get to know people,” he says, suddenly changing the subject. “At least that’s what I heard. I hope you’re going to that?”

Ayden doesn’t reply, which is answer enough.

His dad sighs loudly. “Just so we’re clear, you’re going. Claire is the Council’s highest priority, which means she’s yours too. I shouldn’t have to remind you of that. Be nice to her and make sure she feels content and happy. What you do behind closed doors is up to you. Just make sure Claire doesn’t know about it. We can’t squander this opportunity. Do we understand each other?! I won’t tolerate failure. In fact, I’ll personally strip you of your rank as hunter and take away your key. You’ll be cast out of this world. I hope we understand each other.”

I hear his footsteps, but I’m too stunned and paralyzed to move from the spot. Anyway, there’s nowhere to hide.

The door opens, and Mr. Collins steps out, closes the door behind him, sees me, shoots me a cold, disdainful look, and walks past me without a word.

“He can be pretty harsh,” says a voice behind me when Mr. Collins is barely out of earshot.

I jump in fright. When I turn around, I’m surprised to see Vicky.

“I know it sucks to hear that stuff. But you won’t find a hunter or Council member who sees it any differently. Ayden’s a hunter with important responsibilities. Everyone who’s accepted into our ranks knows that they can’t question those obligations. You carry them out, faithfully and dutifully. Ayden knows that too, and he knows he has no choice. So from that point of view, I can understand why Mr. Collins sees you as a thorn in his side.”

I glare angrily at Vicky and struggle to hold myself back. “I know all that,” I say curtly. “But that doesn’t mean it’s right, the way the Council and hunters operate.”

Vicky shrugs. “Maybe. But it doesn’t change anything.”

For a moment, I’m speechless. “And you figure it’s okay what Ayden’s father’s asking of him?! He’s supposed to make a fuss over Claire, and preferably fake having feelings for her and submit to her every whim. I know you and Ayden haven’t been as close recently, but you still care about him. How can you be okay with this?”

Now it’s Vicky’s turn to stare at me in silence. Eventually, she shakes her head. “I never said I like it. In fact, I can understand your anger. The difference is that I’m not surprised by it. I know how far they’re willing to go. And honestly, I feel sorry for Ayden. I understand what he must be going through. And you,” she adds, to my surprise.

Vicky understands me?! Since when?

“When you disappeared, Ayden was distraught. He was constantly out searching for you. And eventually he came back, furious and hurt. I saw him and tried to talk to him. He didn’t tell me what really happened, but it was obvious there was another guy involved. After that, I tried to be there for him, but I guess I wasn’t very good at it. In retrospect, I can see that I was a total bitch, actually.” She pauses and seems to be thinking back to all those times we faced off against one another. “I bad-mouthed you and told him that it would never have worked out between you guys. That he dodged a bullet. I didn’t give him time. I just wanted everything to go back to the way it was before, and I threw myself at him. He was so angry with me. Now I understand. He avoided me for a long time. We’ve talked, but it’s not like it used to be, and I guess it never will be.”

I can see that Vicky is suffering and deeply regrets her behavior. She seems to have spent some time reflecting on the past and her own mistakes. That tempers my anger a lot. I feel sorry for Vicky because I know how important Ayden is to her.

“I wanted you to know that. I’m not a bad person. I just didn’t want to lose the only friend I could really lean on. But I messed that up all on my own.”

“Ayden would never drop you,” I say. “The bond between you is too strong. You’re his best friend.”

Vicky nods sadly. “Maybe. But so much has changed. He’s changed. And that’s down to you.” If her voice didn’t sound so gentle, that could be interpreted as an accusation. “It’s good for him to try to go his own way, only I doubt the Council will like it. It’s going to be difficult for you guys. But I hope it works out.” She sounds sincere and more vulnerable than I’ve ever heard her.

“Thanks,” I say. I don’t need to say anything else. Vicky nods. We’ve brokered a kind of peace. For Ayden, who means so much to both of us.

Chapter 29

And you’re sure you don’t want me to pick you up?” asks Ayden.