Page 3 of Trial of Destiny

I give a deep sigh, stop walking, step in front of him, and look up into his face. My heart’s racing. His comments make me scream inside; it hurts so much. Part of me doesn’t want things between us to be over. But at the same time, I sense that he’s right. I can’t be with him when I have such obvious feelings for someone else – as unreachable as he may be.

“Teresa,” says Noah, and I hear a bittersweet note of farewell in his voice. “You guys need to figure out your feelings for each other. And you and me – it’s best if we’re not together right now.”

I gulp, and the tears well up in my eyes. It hurts to let go of Noah, even when I know he’s right.

“Thank you,” I say. “For everything. And I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“I know. We can’t control our feelings.” He regards me with a dark gaze that holds so many emotions.

We walk back together. Silence prevails, and this time it feels heavy and oppressive.

“Let me know how Ayden’s doing. And if you need help – we’re still friends,” he says, rubbing more salt in the wound.

I don’t know what I did to deserve his kindness. He’s suffering, although he’s trying not to show it, and he has every reason to be angry with me. But he still wants to be here for me.

He hugs me briefly, lets go, smiles, and raises his hand in a wave.

“Take care of yourself.”

Chapter 2

Ilook at Ayden’s face, watch his steady breaths, and try to push every thought out of my head. My concern for him is driving me crazy and suffocating me. And so are all the questions that I have. But I have to put all that aside for now. There are more important things.

The hours pass, and I remain at Ayden’s bedside, only leaving the room briefly when the nurses come in or when I need to freshen up. Now and then, I grab something to eat or drink from the vending machine or the cafeteria, but I have very little appetite. I guess his father has come to see him by now. He was away on business and couldn’t get here until now, one of the nurses tells me. But I haven’t seen him.

It’s dark outside, and I sink down in the chair beside Ayden’s bed and gaze at him. They still can’t tell me if he’ll make it or not. He’s strong, and he won’t give up easily. I try not to think about the alternative.

Yoru is rolled up in a ball at my feet, sleeping soundly. He doesn’t seem to mind all the waiting, although now and then he wakes up and glances around, taking stock of the situation. He too seems to understand that something’s not right, and of course, he can sense the tension in the air. Because Snow, who’s lying beside Ayden’s bed, is on edge too. He keeps looking at his master anxiously and doesn’t dare to close his eyes.

I shift in my chair, stretch a little, and try to hold off the looming fatigue. I want to stay with Ayden a while longer before I have to go. My eyes wander to his face again. He’s so pale and doesn’t look like himself. His condition is worrying, that’s for sure. But I don’t want to consider the fact that he might lose this fight.

I wake with a start and almost fall off my chair. It takes me a moment to realize where I am. I must have dozed off and spent the night at Ayden’s bedside.

I stretch and notice how stiff my limbs are. I’m about to curse because I suspect the pain in my back will linger for hours. Then Ayden catches my eye, and I gasp. He’s struggling to raise himself into a sitting position, and he’s looking at me.

“Tess, you’re here,” he whispers as he glances around and tries to figure out where he is and what’s happened.

For a moment, I can’t breathe, and my heart contracts. A heavy weight suddenly lifts off me. And before I realize what I’m doing, I jump up, rush to Ayden’s bed, and hug him. I’m instantly filled with a feeling of intimacy, familiarity. I feel this deep yearning that totally overwhelms me. It’s so incredibly good to feel him, soak up his warmth, breathe in his smell.

“I was so scared of losing you,” I whisper.

“That’s not going to happen anytime soon,” he replies, squeezing me tighter.

I reluctantly straighten up and look at him. “How do you feel?”

“Good question. I still have some pain, and I feel like I’ve been put through a meat grinder. But other than that, I’m okay.”

“Doesn’t sound great,” I reply.

“Actually, it’s not that great, considering the fact that Alessandro’s leopard only bit me,” he says with a smirk.

“The bite was pretty bad. That key spirit really did a number on you. Apparently, he injected venom into you, which caused internal bleeding and attacked your organs. You stopped breathing.” This is so hard to say. “You were basically dead. But apparently your connection to Snow kept you alive long enough for me and Noah to bring you to the infirmary where they operated on you.”

Ayden says nothing; he just looks at me, and I can’t quite interpret his expression. Is it concern? Commiseration? Fear?

“Sorry. That must have really scared you.”

I laugh and shake my head. “You don’t need to apologize to me. You’re the one who nearly died. Of course I was scared for you, and I’m so incredibly relieved that you’re awake again. But don’t worry about me.”