Page 58 of Trial of Destiny

“Oh, right.” Claire shrugs. “I was five when I showed the first signs that I might be a goddess. And as that became more and more apparent, my family did everything they could to prepare me for my future. It’s the only life I know, and I know what will happen to me if the worst comes to the worst. Obviously, there has to be an intervention if I fail. There’s no alternative. Powers like that can’t be let loose on the world. But like I said, I’m confident that I’ll make it.”

I’m astonished at how casual Claire sounds. This is her life she’s talking about, but she sounds so cool, as if it doesn’t affect her personally. I suppose the world she grew up in was very different from mine. She’s always known she was special, what’s expected of her, and how it could end for her in the worst-case scenario. Still, I find it hard to believe that anyone could accept such a fate so lightly.

“Don’t look so horrified,” she says, placing a hand on my shoulder and smiling. “I have excellent training and the best prerequisites. And we’ve learned from the failed attempts of the past. I understand the kind of influence I’ll have in the future, but I also know the huge burden that places on my shoulders. I’m prepared to carry that and even face death if I have to. No one can escape their destiny. And I have so many people behind me, including a family who loves me and who are counting on me.” She looks warmly at Ayden. “And friends who have my back. I want to fill what time I have with fun and optimism. There’s nothing to gain by letting my fears consume me.”

I’m nonplussed by her open, positive attitude, but I have to admit that part of me also admires her for it. I don’t know if I could live with that kind of pressure.

“Claire sure knows how to have fun. It’s never boring with her,” says Ayden.

She laughs and puts a hand on his shoulder. “I could say the same about you. And so far, I’ve never had to deal with hardship in my life. That makes it easier to show up in the world with a positive attitude. You’re the one who deserves admiration,” she says to Ayden with an intense gaze. “You had a difficult past and no family to support you. I mean, obviously your dad loves you, and he’s there for you. But still, it can’t be easy.”

“I get by just fine,” he says a little tersely.

“I know,” Claire replies. “And that’s what’s so special about you. You’re strong, and you’ve learned to cope with things that would break some people.”

I can’t be sure, but she seems to have scooted a little closer to him. In any case, she’s now rubbing up against him and giving him this smoldering look.

“Sometimes I think that’s exactly why we’re so close. Your darkness attracts my light, my carefree nature. Without darkness, there can’t be light.”

I can feel the air crackle. Claire is still gazing ardently at Ayden, and the situation starts to make me feel really uncomfortable. I’m about to say something, but I don’t get the chance before Claire continues, still looking into Ayden’s eyes. He seems just as unnerved as I am.

“I know you don’t like to admit it, but the loss of your parents still gets to you. It irks you that nobody ever explained to you exactly what happened back then. The pain is deeply rooted, and you’re afraid that the experience changed you forever. Maybe it’s time to confront your father about it. I understand your hesitation, but you should just demand that he tells you honestly what actually happened. It might give you some peace.”

Ayden stares at her wide-eyed. Her words seem to have touched a nerve in him. And I get it. It must be hard for him. But there’s another voice in my head asking why he’s discussed all this with Claire and never with me.

Suddenly, she claps her hands together and jumps up from the sofa. “That’s enough serious talk. Time to have some fun.” She grabs Ayden’s hand and pulls him to his feet to take him to the dance floor. Ayden looks so perplexed that he doesn’t know how to refuse.

On the way home, Ayden and I walk side by side in silence. The conversation with Claire still seems to be bothering him.

The rest of the evening was actually quite pleasant. We danced a little, indulged in the canapés, and had a good time. But Ayden was pretty reserved.

“Everything okay?” I ask, looking up at him inquiringly.

A few seconds pass before he meets my eye, and I can see that his smile’s not genuine.

“Claire sometimes has this really blunt way of bringing up things that hit a nerve.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He sighs and looks up into the night sky. The starlight is swallowed by the glow of the city.

“I told you once that I have a feeling that something in me is broken or missing. In the past, I could never really feel close to anyone, but I didn’t miss that intimacy. I liked being independent, so it didn’t bother me. But since I met you…”

I nod slowly. I know where this is going. We’ve talked about it before. Ayden even came close to breaking up with me because he was afraid he could never give me what I needed. As if there was some internal barrier. But although there have been many times in the past when he felt distant, and his work with the hunters was always more important than anything else, I really feel how much he loves me.

As we wait for the bus, I nestle up to him, look up at him, and seek out his gaze so that he can see how serious I am. “Don’t think like that. I’m happy with you, and I never have the feeling that there’s something missing. I like you just the way you are. But I get that the loss of your parents makes you sad.” I’m not sure whether I should say the next part aloud. I know Ayden doesn’t like broaching this topic. “Maybe you’re not as alone as you think. Maybe you still have family.”

Ayden frowns and sighs. He still doesn’t want to admit that Kate’s prophecy might be true and that Noah could be his twin brother.

“Just think about it. Maybe it really is time to talk to your dad.”

I don’t want to keep pressuring him. I’ve said what needs to be said, and he probably just needs time. So I stretch up and kiss him tenderly. He pulls me in close, and I’m surprised by the intensity of his kiss. He ardently presses his lips against mine and takes my breath away. I pull back, gasping, and see the stormy sparkle in his eyes as the bus pulls up to the stop.

We step into the bus and take our seats. Ayden puts his arm around me, and I rest my head against his shoulder. The silence doesn’t bother me. It’s a wonderfully intimate moment, and I feel so close to him. I briefly look up at him, and I’m simply thankful for the time that we can be together.

I can’t be sure what it is, but something makes me sit up and take notice. We’re stopped at traffic lights, close to the hospital, and as the bus moves off, two figures catch my eye, standing and talking a short distance from the Starbucks.

“No way,” I mutter. I sit up and press my face against the window, staring after the two people who are about to disappear from view. “Kate and Noah!”