Page 25 of Trial of Destiny

“That can happen quickly,” Ayden explains quietly. He sounds so neutral – like nothing just happened between us. “You were obviously well on the way to deepening your connection with Yoru. But unfortunately, things can still go wrong. Still, you can be proud that you made it that far all on your own.”

“I probably shouldn’t have tried it,” I admit. It now feels like icy water is pumping through my veins. The heat is gone; there’s no trace of that blazing feeling that filled me up only moments ago. As if it’s all used up – suddenly burned away.

“I get why you wanted to try it,” he continues. “This test is going to demand a lot from you, and you’re trying your best to prepare yourself.”

I nod. He studies my face with his deep green eyes. For a moment, I’m so captivated by them that I forget to breathe. I get that electrical tingling sensation. I quickly lower my eyes and try not to lose myself in those feelings again.

Ayden looks thoughtful and seems to be wrestling internally with himself. Finally he says, “You did good, but it’ll be hard for you to complete the transformation alone… If you‘d like, I can help you. We could train together, and I’ll do what I can to help you prepare for the test.”

I can tell he’s uneasy about this. And that gives me a pang. But it’s understandable. It’s probably hard for him to be around me too. And I know what it would mean for me to spend time with him. Then again, in my situation, I can’t afford to turn down this kind of help.

So eventually, I nod. “That would be great, thank you.”

I have the feeling that Ayden wants to say something else, but he hesitates. He’s still looking at me, and a warm shiver runs down my spine. I wish he didn’t have this effect on me – it would make training with him a whole lot easier.

Hot and cold waves wash through me. I have no idea if they’re an after-effect of the severed connection with Yoru or if they’re triggered by Ayden’s presence. I’m almost relieved when I hear Kate’s voice behind me.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to check that you’re okay now.” She looks concerned.

“Yeah, thanks for getting help.” I realize that it’s Kate I have to thank for the fact that Ayden showed up. And he was probably one of only a handful of people in the school who could get through my flames.

“I didn’t tell anyone else,” she says. “It’s probably best if we keep this between ourselves.”

I nod. The principal would have to inform the Council, and I doubt they’d be thrilled about it. Most of the Council members still believe I don’t have my powers under control. And they’re not wrong, but this incident would only convince them that I need help and that I’d be better off with the Fabricis.

I slowly get to my feet and notice how weak my legs are. For a moment, I feel dizzy, but I fight to maintain my balance. After a couple of deep breaths, I start to feel better.

“Get some rest,” Ayden suggests. “We can start training tomorrow if you’d like.”

“Okay, thanks,” I reply.

He flashes me a smile and leaves the gym. I watch him go. Kate comes to me and scrutinizes me. I don’t even want to know what’s going through her head right now.

Chapter 13

Ilook in the mirror as I blow dry my hair, but I’m so absorbed in my recollections of what just happened that I don’t even see my face. I keep asking myself what that was between me and Ayden. Maybe it was all down to the strange state I moved into thanks to Max. Max! Just thinking about her makes me so angry. How dare she attack me? Especially at a moment like that! She must have known how dangerous it was.

My phone vibrates. To my surprise, it’s a call from Noah. That can only mean one thing. Has he actually made some progress with the comb and the constellation?

“Hey Tess,” he says when I pick up. “Do you have plans around 3 a.m. tonight?”

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. “I mean, I’m as fit and bursting with energy as the next guy, but even a night owl like me needs some sleep. So no, other than a few hours in bed, I have no plans.”

“Good, let’s meet at 2:45 outside the hospital.”

“Are you going to tell me what this is about?” I ask.

“I think I’ve solved the puzzle.”

I restlessly pace up and down the same ten feet of pavement and keep checking the time and scanning for Yoru in the darkness. The city is strangely peaceful at this hour. Most of the houses are dark, and the atmosphere is totally different – and not in a bad way. I’m sure I’d appreciate it if I weren’t so tense, but right now, I can’t stop thinking about whether Noah has actually unlocked the secret of the comb.

Suddenly, I feel a faint prickle at the back of my neck that tells me someone is approaching. I quickly turn around and spot Noah coming up the street. He raises his hand in greeting.

“You look tense. Everything okay?”

I nod. “I’m just excited to see what the comb is about to reveal.”

He cocks his head and gives me a piercing look. I wonder if he can tell that a whole lot more has happened today. But he says nothing.