Page 7 of Priest

“Nick always had a soft heart for strays,” Priest finally said. “And you…” he began, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

“I’ve always been a pushover, I know that,” she blurted, her temper getting the better of her. She pushed the bowl of soup aside and slowly drew her knees to her chest. She suppressed a wince.

“It’s not wrong wanting to help your father,” Priest remarked. “But sooner or later, one has to realize some people can’t be helped.”

Sadie swallowed. What Priest said held a measure of truth, one she’d known for a while but she could never find the courage to cut off ties from her father … until now.

“Sadie, this fiancée of yours beat you black and blue. He’ll do it again,” Priest said.

“I know. That’s why I ran. I didn’t know where to go, so I thought of you. I know it’s selfish, given everything you’ve done for me,” she confessed.

“It is,” Priest acknowledged.

The coldness in his words, coupled with the stillness in his body, momentarily made her forget the words she had intended to say next.

“But you’re here now,” he continued, his gaze thoughtful as he stroked his bearded chin.

Sadie’s attention wandered, drawn to an old scar that marked a ragged line across his throat. In that distracted moment, she found herself tracing the scar tip to tip.

Her breath caught when Priest intercepted her fingers with his own, his touch rough and callused. The unexpected connection sent a spark right into her core.

“Don’t,” Priest warned, a low, cautionary note in his voice.

“Don’t what?” Sadie found herself asking, curiosity tinged with a hint of challenge.

He let out a low, sexy laugh that sent a jolt through her entire body. Sadie wondered if he could see her tightening nipples through the thin material of the shirt.

“You were always a brat,” he said.

Sadie wasn’t sure whether she should be offended or pleased by those words.

“When it comes to you, my control is nonexistent,” he admitted, setting her fingers down and giving them a warning squeeze.

Unnerved by the intensity of his stare, she couldn’t help but ask, “What’s going to happen now?”

“I’m glad you asked because I have a proposition for you,” he said.

Excitement hummed in Sadie’s veins as she faced Priest. She was well aware of the danger that surrounded him, and that she was crazy for making a deal with a man like him. Yet, in that moment, she felt an inexplicable surge of recklessness and boldness, a departure from her usual self.

Mason’s cruel handiwork, in a twisted way, had sparked a second awakening within her. Perhaps she had buried her true self under the persona of a good girl, so she could keep her promise to her mom—to watch over her dad. Now, with that burden lifted, she felt unshackled, free.

“Go on,” she said.

Sadie hoped she didn’t sound too eager or desperate. Who was she kidding? Priest held all the power here and they both knew it.

“I’ll keep you safe, but my help doesn’t come for free,” he said, voice grave.

“I don’t have any money,” were the first words she blurted.

Priest laughed, a sound that held a hint of cruelty in its undertone. Yet, even in that moment, she recognized a stark contrast to the malice she had experienced with Mason.

Sadie had hurt Priest before, she knew that. He had lost his faith, left the priesthood, and walked away from a life he once knew, all because of her. In any normal circumstance, he could have harbored resentment, hated her, and sought revenge. Yet, when Emery and she stumbled into his clubhouse seeking refuge, he didn’t turn her away. Deep down, despite their ugly history, she knew there was still some good in Priest.

“Money’s the last thing I want,” Priest replied.

He looked her up and down when he said those words. Sadie couldn’t help but flush. Even in such a state, he found her attractive?

“I do,” he said and she realized with shame that she had uttered that thought aloud.