Page 24 of Priest

“There’s something we need to discuss,” Sadie said once she slipped into their bed.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“When I threw up this morning…” Sadie began.

“Right, you weren’t feeling well,” Priest said. “How are you doing right now?”

“That’s what I was about to tell you,” she said. Sadie seemed nervous as she fiddled with the edge of the blanket.

“Go on, I’m listening,” Priest said, wondering if this was something important.

Sadie took a deep breath. “I’m pregnant,” she confessed. The air in the room seemed to change as Priest processed her words.

He sat down beside her.

“Pregnant?” he repeated, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Are you sure?”

Sadie nodded, her anxiety giving way to a small smile. “Cassie helped me get a pregnancy test, and, well, it came out positive.”

A surge of emotions flooded Priest—happiness, excitement, and a touch of nervousness. He pulled Sadie into a tight embrace.

“That’s incredible news, Sadie. We’re going to be parents,” Priest said.

“Yeah,” Sadie replied, a mixture of emotions crossing her face. “Now that Mason’s gone and my father’s gone missing, everything will be fine, won’t it?”

Priest brushed a strand of hair from Sadie’s face, his expression serious.

“Sadie, I’ll do everything in my power to keep our family safe. Nothing and no one will harm you or our baby. I promise,” Priest reassured her.

And if her bastard of a father did turn up in their lives again, then Priest was going to bury him six foot deep in a place no one would ever find him. Priest decided not to tell Sadie that. She’d already been through so much today.

Long after Sadie had fallen asleep, Priest remained awake. They were going to have a kid together. Priest still couldn’t believe it, that he’d father a child with the woman he loved.

Things had to change, Priest realized. First thing tomorrow, he’d tell her they should start looking for a new place to live. He wanted her to give her a house, everything she could ever want. With that decision made, Priest kissed her cheek and went to sleep.


The following day, Priest and Sadie decided to visit Emery in the hospital. As they entered the room, they were relieved to see him looking much better than before.

Emery managed a weak smile. He seemed grateful to have visitors.

“How are you feeling, Emery?” Sadie asked, pulling a chair closer to the bed.

“Better each day. Thanks for checking in on me,” Emery replied.

Sadie squeezed his hand. “Of course, Em. We’re family. How’s your recovery going?”

“The doctors say I’ll be back on my feet in no time,” Emery said. “And once I am, I’ve been thinking about what comes next.”

“What are you planning?” Sadie asked, curious.

Emery looked at both of them with a glint of excitement in his eyes. “I want to travel, see the world. I’ve spent enough time stuck in one place. And after what I’ve been through, it’s time to live a little, you know?”

Priest and Sadie exchanged smiles.

“That sounds like a great plan, Emery,” Priest said.

“Yeah, and if you need any recommendations or help planning, I’m here for you,” Sadie added.