Page 22 of Priest

Sadie slapped his hand away, and he laughed. So he liked her spirited, didn’t he? Sadie could keep talking and hopefully distract Mason long enough until Priest arrived.

“There’s fight in you,” he observed, looking thoughtful. “There wasn’t before. What changed?”

Sadie moved closer until their faces were nearly touching. She didn’t know what she was doing. Not really, but egging Mason on seemed to be working. Nearby, she could hear the hum of motorcycle engines. Not just one, but many. Trust Priest to bring the cavalry. She smiled, and Mason seemed too stunned by her transformation to react.

“I changed,” she said, then executed the maneuver Priest taught her.

She kneed him in the groin, making him back away and groan in pain.

“You’re going to regret that,” he said, gritting his teeth, curling both his hands into fists.

“No, I won’t,” she said. She pulled her little handgun from her purse and pointed it steadily at him. He had the audacity to laugh at her.

“Idiot. My father’s men would come running in here the moment you fired that gun,” Mason said with a scoff.

The roar of motorcycles grew louder. Sadie could hear commotion in the house. She fired, and Mason started cursing her as he stumbled backward.

“You shot my leg,” he yelled, looking at the doorway, but Security appeared.

“No help’s coming, Mason. It’s just you and me now,” she said.

Letting out an animalistic howl, Mason lunged at her.


Ever since he left Sadie that morning, Priest had a bad feeling in his gut. Their business had been concluded, and they were about to get to their motorcycles when Priest saw Sadie’s text message.

At first, he was angry at her for being so reckless, then realized he didn’t choose her as his woman because she was content to be at home while others did the dirty work. Of course, it would only be natural for Sadie to leave all caution behind to save her cousin. He didn’t like it one bit, so he was relieved she answered his call. Once their call ended, he debated what to do next. Rage halted his motorcycle next to Priest.

“What’s up?” Rage asked him.

Priest took a deep breath and looked into his VP’s eyes.

“You once told me that if I needed help, you guys would have my back,” he began.

“Always, brother,” Rage said.” This about your woman?”

Priest nodded and quickly gave Rage a breakdown of what happened. Rage nodded curtly.

“Then we just need to make one more stop before heading home,” Rage said.

“Thank you, Rage,” Priest said.

“We’ll get her back, Priest,” Rage said.

Priest appreciated the backup because, from what Sadie told him, the mayor and his son probably had a security team with them at all times. While he’d like nothing better than to gun down anyone who hurt his woman, he could recognize when he needed help.

“Let’s ride,” he told Rage and the other members of their crew, who Rage updated about their mission.

Priest didn’t know what to expect when he and his crew dismounted their motorcycles in front of Mason Prescott’s fancy home. They split their crew in half.

Rage ordered the second team to go around the house, to the backyard, to cut off any possible escape while Priest and his men stomped through the front gates.

The two security guys at the front door tried to stop them, but Priest and his crew shot them down. They agreed to aim for the less lethal spots, to simply incapacitate them because these men were just doing their jobs. Of course, if they refused to stay down, that was another matter entirely.

Gunshots echoed from somewhere in the back of the house.

“Priest!” a voice croaked out from somewhere in the house.