Page 17 of Priest

“The lobster felt a little off,” he grumbled.

Sadie touched his arm. “It’s fine, Priest. I’m sure it’ll go away in a few hours,” she assured him.

Priest had an important transport job lined up for the day. The motorcycle club dealt in weapons, and he and Rage were tasked with supervising a large transport to an allied MC down south.

“Promise me you’ll stay in today?” Priest asked, his eyes searching Sadie’s.

“I can’t just take a day off, Priest. I’m new, and they’re counting on me,” Sadie argued back.

Priest maintained his steady look. “If you’re really not feeling well, you should stay home,” he insisted.

The silent standoff continued for a few moments until Sadie sighed in defeat.

“Fine, if I’m still feeling this way in a few hours, I’ll call my boss,” Sadie said.

Sensing her relenting, Priest brought her close and tenderly kissed her forehead. “I’ll be home late tonight,” he reminded her.

“Right,” Sadie said.

Priest was always transparent about his activities. While he didn’t keep her in the dark regarding his responsibilities in the MC, he kept the more detailed and gory parts from her.

“Be careful out there,” she told him, tracing the stubble on his jaw.

“Always am,” he reassured her, leaving the unspoken truth hanging. Now that she was in his life, he took extra precautions.

After tucking Sadie back into bed, Priest made his way downstairs to the bar and eating area. He fixed himself a breakfast of toast, eggs, and black coffee, all the while scrolling through rental listings on his cellphone. The idea of finding a place in town had been on his mind lately. Would Sadie be content with an apartment, or would she prefer a small house? Although they hadn’t discussed it yet, Priest liked to be prepared. If things continued on course, raising a child in an MC clubhouse didn’t feel right to him.

“Looking for apartments in town?” asked Rage, joining him at his table. “I didn’t know Sadie and you were at that stage already.”

“We’re getting there,” Priest replied. He hesitated, then added, “We’re not on the same page yet.”

He recalled Sadie’s distracted demeanor from the night before but had dismissed it as nerves about their date. Now, as he sifted through rental options, he began to wonder if there was something she might be keeping from him, or if he was simply overthinking the matter.

“You don’t sound certain,” Rage remarked.

Priest closed the browser on his cellphone and shot a glare in Rage’s direction. Rage raised both hands in mock defeat.

“Just saying, both of you need to be sure so you won’t regret anything,” Rage commented as they finished the remainder of breakfast in silence.

“You ready for today, Priest? I need to know if your head’s in the game,” Rage asked.

“You know I always am,” Priest responded dryly. “I can separate business from personal. You know me.”

“Yeah, but when it comes to Sadie...” Rage trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished.

“Don’t finish that thought,” Priest warned sharply.

Rage thankfully didn’t press the matter further. Before leaving the clubhouse with Rage and their crew, Priest took a moment to send a text message to Cassie, asking her to check on Sadie if she had time.

Cassie immediately responded with a simple: Will do. Satisfied that Sadie would have someone looking out for her, Priest refocused on the job ahead.


Sadie checked her cellphone once again and groaned. Emery still hadn’t checked in with her. The distant rumble of motorcycle engines outside the clubhouse caught her attention.

Getting up from the bed, she walked to the window and spotted Priest’s figure along with his MC brothers. They rode in a straight line out of the compound.

Despite intending to discuss her worries about Emery with Priest that morning, she found herself suddenly vomiting. Priest also had an important task today, and the last thing she wanted was to disturb him with her concerns.