Page 96 of Mob Queen


“Your loyalty.”

“It doesn’t lie with him, I can tell you that.”

“But it doesn’t lay with me either.”

“My loyalty is to my baby.” Ugh, children are not my thing.

“I respect that,” I say although kids make me want to throw myself in front of a moving train. “But...”

“I know nearly everything about his operation.”

“And you’ll tell me?” She nods. “Why?”

Elena protectively places her hand over her stomach. “You could’ve killed me when you found out who I was, but instead you allowed me to live here, you’ve bought me clothes, fed me, and made sure I was safe. For that you have my gratitude, and my loyalty.”

I slowly lift my glass and sip on my scotch while closely watching Elena. “You need to sleep.”

“You didn’t answer my question on if you’re going to hurt us.”

I arch a brow as I tap my finger on the glass. “You’re going to tell me everything you know about your father’s business, and if you screw me over, then you’ll find yourself in the same ditch with your father.”

She lowers her chin again and gives me a soft nod. “I understand.”

“You need to sleep,” I repeat.

She doesn’t move to stand, she looks up at me with reddened eyes and lifts her chin with pride. “I hate him, probably more than you do.” Elena stands, pivots and begins to leave. But she stops at the double oak doors and turns. “Please promise me one thing.” I lift my brows, and look to her. “Destroy him, make him hurt.” In this vulnerable moment of hers, she looks like a woman who’d burn the world just to see him on his knees. If I thought for one second that she’d be strong enough to see the pain I’m going to bring, I’d invite her to watch. But I know she doesn’t have that in her.

I feel the corner of my mouth twitch with a smirk. “Pain is my specialty.” She acknowledges my words with a tiny smile, straightens and leaves.

I’m going to make Petro Augusta bleed before I squeeze the life out of him, all with a fucking smile on my face.

Chapter 30


I look at my phone and crinkle my forehead. “Hey, Tyler,” I say as I answer it.

“Hey, man,” he says, though his tone sounds more formal than normal. “That tip you gave me a few nights ago was good.”

“Yeah?” I ask feigning surprise.

“You didn’t think it would be?”

“I’m glad it worked out. Listen, I’m on the way out the door.”

“How did you say you got the tip again?”

I wet my lips and shake my head. “Couldn’t sleep, and went for a walk.”

“Ah, yeah, that’s right. Hey, where are you staying these days? I heard your house burnt down.”

Shit. “It did.”

“Where are you at now? I’ll come over, we’ll grab some dinner, maybe go out and play some pool.”

“I’m pressed for time so I’ll shoot you over a message with my address.”