Page 75 of Mob Queen

“I know.” I lean against the desk and fold my arms. “You’ve been in this business since before I was born. We both know there’s nothing safe about what we do. And Rome and the girl both know it too.”

“What about the politician?” He’s a soft spot for me because I’ve dragged him into this life, regardless of the fact he’s not, he needs to understand the consequences. “Can you pull the trigger if it came to it?”

I look G dead in the eyes and pull my shoulders back “Without a fucking doubt.”

I think.

Chapter 25


“The attorney general needs ten minutes with you today. Also, you have a meeting with the head of the department of health.”

“Marlene?” I ask as Zac follows me into my office. He nods. “What does she want?”

“She scheduled the meeting two days ago.”

“Okay, anything else?”

“You then have a meeting with department of transportation.”

“Alex is a pain in my ass. He’s always trying shit to benefit himself.”

“Do you want me to reschedule him?”

I shake my head. “I wonder if he was like this with my predecessor?”

“According to Governor Hayes of Pennsylvania, Mr. Wallace was painful for him too.”

I make a mental note that if I get to another term as the governor, I’m getting rid of Alex and appointing someone who’s not going to be emailing me for ridiculous reasons. “Anything else?”

“Um,” Zac’s voice cracks with uncertainty.

“What is it?”

“There was a reporter waiting for me when I came into work this morning.” Shit. “They asked if I had a comment.”

Fuck. “On what?” I ask trying to keep my voice steady.

“She asked me if you’re gay.”

I whip my head around with force. “What?” Here I thought the reporter may know about Frankie, apparently not.

“She asked me if you’re gay.”

“Why would she ask that?”

“Because, you’re unmarried, and have no children, and the last event was your inauguration but you didn’t bring a woman.”

I snicker and shake my head. “Because I’m unmarried and didn’t bring a date, that makes me gay?” I look to Zac who slowly lifts his shoulders. “What did you tell this reporter?” If she can even be called that.

“I told her I don’t comment on the governor’s private life.” He loudly swallows and waits. Don’t tell me there’s more. “She also asked for an interview.”

“Pencil her in.”

“What?” Zac asks with shock. “You want me to give her a spot?”

“Sure, make it the twenty-first of never.”