The three men turn to face us. “What have we got here?” one with an eye-patch says. He struts toward us and pulls his jacket to the side, showing me his gun.
“Let me take care of this,” G says and tries to overtake me.
I lift my hand to stop G. Miller is also right beside G, ready to jump in if needed. “What’s she doing?” Miller asks in a small voice. G ignores him, and I give Miller a wink.
Without saying a word, I walk straight toward the three men. Eye-patch guy snickers. “You’re a sweet piece of ass. Maybe we’ll take you too.” I see he has a toothpick in his mouth, and he’s swiveling it around like he’s some kind of fucking god.
By the time I reach him, I stand to my full height staring at him in his eye. “Hey,” one of his buddies says.
I don’t speak a word. “Wanna party, sweet cheeks?” Eye-patch asks.
I lift my chin and pull my shoulders back. Tension is mounting quickly, and the three don’t know what to do.
“Bitch, he asked you a question,” one of the other two says.
I step closer to Eye-patch, and he flinches back. I’ve not said a word, but he instinctually knows not to fuck with me. I’m hyper-aware of where G is, and I know he’ll fucking kill them with one word from me. But this is too much fun to pass up. Why should I let G have all the fun?
“Come on, sweet heart, you’re coming with us.” The third guy wraps his hand around the woman’s arm and attempts to pull her along.
“She stays,” G says from behind me.
“Yeah, who’s gonna stop us? You and this cunt?” Eye-patch condescendingly says.
G moves forward, but I stop him again. I move inside Eye-patch’s personal space. From here I can rip that toothpick out of his mouth and stab it in his good eye, and he’ll have no idea what the fuck happened to him. The second guy flicks open a switch blade, and the third tries to put the woman in front of him, like a shield. I see she’s pregnant, and know these guys don’t care. Her eyes are wide with fear and her chin is quivering.
Eye-patch is trying to stare me down. I hear the click of a safety being released from behind me. Then a second. G has his guns on these guys, which means two out of three are dead. And the third will have no fucking eyeballs once I’m done with him.
“Hey, let’s go,” the second guy finally says.
Maintaining eye contact with me, Eye-patch takes a step back. “Yeah, she’s used goods anyway.” Eye-patch guy turns his head and spits.
The three of them back away, leaving me, the girl, Miller, who’s advanced even closer, and G. We stay rooted in the same spot until they’re gone. I look at the girl, and shake my head. “What are you doing out here?” She drops her chin and stares down at her feet. She’s so skinny, and dirty but definitely pregnant. “Get yourself home, and look after that baby.”
I turn to leave when she says in a small voice, “I don’t have a home.”
I stop walking and roll my eyes closed. “She’s not your problem, Frank,” G says.
“I fucking know. But she’s knocked up. Look at her.”
“Not your problem.” His jaw is set with tension.
I take several breaths trying to clear my head. G’s right, she isn’t. But I can’t let a knocked-up girl stay out here. “Kid, do you have any money?”
“No,” she meekly replies.
“This fucking world will eat her up and spit her out,” I say to G.
“Man, now we’re taking in strays, are we?” He shakes his head. “First him.” He points to Miller who’s standing behind G. “Now her.” He points to the girl.
“He’s temporary. She will be too.”
“Frankie DeLuca, collector of strays,” G grumbles.
“Kid, get your ass over here,” I call. She quickly makes her way over to me, and instantly drops her chin. Her dark hair falls like a veil around her face. There’s a thick band of blonde peeking out from her bad hair color. “Where are you living?” She slowly lifts her shoulders. “Have you eaten today?” She shakes her head. “Do you have a name?”
“Jackie,” she whispers.
Something tells me this isn’t her real name. “Get in the car, Jackie,” I command.