Page 60 of Mob Queen

“Why?” A devilish smirk pulls at my lips. “Fuck, what are you gonna do?”

Chapter 20


G and I are enjoying a scotch out on the deck as I wait for the aftermath of what I did. G’s scrolling through his phone, while I watch the calm water in the brightly lit pool. A sliver of the moon is peeking out from behind a cloud, and the sky is dark, sprinkled with only a few stars.

“I’ve noticed something,” G says.

“What is it?”

“There’s been an increase in homeless disappearances.”

“And you’re telling me this, why?” I look over to G waiting for his reply.

“We have to be careful, Frankie. We don’t want law enforcement sniffing around more than they ordinarily do.”

Someone clears their throat from behind me, making themselves known. I turn to see Mya standing rigidly straight. “What is it Mya?”

“Mr. Miller is here to see you.”

I look to G and smirk. “Didn’t take him as long as I thought.” He throws his drink back and stands. “Thank you, Mya. I’ll have Dario take you home.”

“Thank you.” She smiles softly to G and me.

“I’ll let him in.” G leaves me sitting out on the deck and heads into the house to escort Miller.

I can hear his heavy footsteps before he even says a word. “You had my house burnt down?” he yells as he moves to my line of sight.

“No, I didn’t have your house burnt down.”

“Bullshit, Frankie. You had one of your goons burn my fucking house down. What the fuck?”

I stand abruptly, and Miller straightens while keeping his chest puffed out. I invade his personal space, lean in and whisper, “I burnt it down myself.” I saunter past Miller, heading into my office.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I hear him mumble as I walk away. I lean against my desk, and fold my arms in front of my chest, waiting for Miller to follow. “You’re a fucking psycho,” he yells as he enters my office and slams the door.

“Shouldn’t have accused me of trafficking.”

“You did this because I asked you a question? You’re insane, Frankie.” He lifts his hands and places them to his head. “You could’ve killed me by burning my house down.”

“You’re so dramatic. I knew you weren’t home,” I say.

He lowers his hands and tilts his head to the side. “Are you hearing yourself? You stalk me, you break my phones, you shoot my tires, and you burn down my house.” He shakes his head. “Not to mention you left me tied to a chair with balls the size of Texas.”

“Pffft.” I flick my hand at Miller. “When you say it like that you make me seem unhinged.”

“Because you fucking are.” His eyes widen with frustration.

I push up off the desk and come to stand face to face with Miller. He’s considerably taller, and has a solid build, but no man will ever intimidate me. “Don’t ever accuse me of trafficking.”

“I asked a question.”

“And you should know the person I am.”

“I do. A fucking psycho!”

“Cut the shit, what are you doing here?”