“Oh man,” G grumbles and gags. “Is that cow shit smeared everywhere?”
I spend no more than a few seconds in the kitchen to see so many broken surfaces. Thankfully the dining room doesn’t have fucking cow shit splattered everywhere, although it’s been destroyed. “Did they take anything?”
Chloe shakes her head. “The safe hasn’t been touched. They took the float that was in the register, but nothing else. They didn’t even take any of the equipment the chefs use.”
I take a few steps backward and gesture for G to follow. “This is personal,” I say. “Obviously it was targeted. If it was some punk ass kids, they would’ve taken everything of value. Not bring in cow shit to throw everywhere.”
“I was thinking the same thing. Someone has a problem with you.” Rome appears and stands beside me. “What do you want to do?” G looks around the restaurant. “Close it?”
“We need Moonlight to launder the money from the other businesses.” Whoever has done this is trying to scare me. I exhale and shake my head.
“What?” Rome asks.
“Fucking Miller,” I say with frustration.
“I’ll have him taken care of,” G offers.
“No, you won’t.”
“He’s messing with your business,” G replies with force. “We need to have him taken care of.”
“If he did this, then I’ll do it myself.” Fuck, if Jeremy has done this in order to get rid of me, then he’s forced my hand and I will kill him. “Chloe,” I call and break away from Rome and G. She wraps her arms around her torso and with a lowered head she approaches me. “Call the staff and tell them they won’t be needed for two weeks. I’ll have a crew in here by the end of the day to start clean up. Also, while that’s happening, we’ll do a refurbish too. I’ll have you and the head chef working with my crew. Whatever you need, let them know.”
Chloe slowly furrows her brows. “I thought you’d be angry at me.”
“Did you do this?” I wave my hand flippantly toward the kitchen.
“Then why would I be angry at you?” Chloe darts her eyes to the side and purses her lips together. “I’m not going to glass you for doing your job.”
“Glass me?” Chloe asks with a confused look on her face.
“You have nothing to worry about if you weren’t involved in this,” and Chloe instantly exhales a relieved breath.
“I wasn’t.”
“Good.” I look her up and down and arch a brow before returning to G and Rome. “How did they get in?”
“Smashed through the back door.”
“And the cameras?”
“I’m just about to go to the office to get the hard drive,” G says.
“We’ll meet you out at the car.” I tap Rome’s arm before heading for the door.
“Whoever did this is screwed. Cow shit, man. That’s seriously demented,” Rome says as we walk toward the front of Moonlight.
My hand reaches out to push on the door, and the moment I do, I hear gunfire and a spray of bullets shatters the glass. Rome wraps his arm around my waist and yanks me back, throwing me to the floor and covering my body with his. “Stay down,” he yells as the gunfire relentlessly demolishes the restaurant. When it all stops, Rome jumps to his feet and sprints for the door. “Stay down!” He points, but I stand and brush myself off. “What the hell, Frank. I told you to stay down.” Rome is carefully scanning outside while keeping an eye on me.
“I’m okay.”
“Frankie,” G hollers. He’s by my side within seconds after the hail of bullets ends.
“I’m okay,” I repeat. Rome’s and G’s shoulders are high and tight, neither of them allow me to pass so I can head outside. “Did you see anything?” I ask as I look between Rome and G.
“No,” they say in unison.