Page 36 of Mob Queen

Mya enters the dining room with a tray of stuffed peppers and places it in the center of the table. “What?” I push my plate aside and lean forward. “I want him gone from office too so I don’t have to worry about my shipments coming in through the docks.”

“A more permanent gone, Frank.” G reaches across the table for the peppers.

I dart my hand out and grab onto the tray. “Who?”

G groans and retracts his hand. “I don’t know all the details, just that someone wants him out and there’s a plan to get rid of him.”

“When’s this going down?”

“I don’t know,” G replies with frustration. I push up out of my chair with so much force the chair topples over. “Where are you going?” G stands to accompany me.

“To his house.”

“What the fuck for?” G asks as he follows me.

I stop heading for the door and turn to face G. “I told you.” I lift my hand, pointing at him. “No one touches Jeremy.”

G steps back, raising his hands in surrender. “Whatever you say, boss.” He jogs ahead of me and calls, “I’ll have Dario bring the car around.”

“Hey,” Rome says as he catches up to me. “Are you and the politician together?”

“What?” I place my hand on Rome’s forearm, stopping us from advancing toward the door.

“Are you two together?” he repeats in a lower voice while checking that no one can hear.

“No, we’re not. And even if we were, it’s none of your business.”

“Don’t be an asshole, Frankie. What am I supposed to think? I’ve seen you calm while killing people, and the moment G mentions how the politician might be in danger, you look like you’re about to lose your shit.”

I take a step backward and lower my chin as I take a deep breath. Without lifting my chin, I slowly nod. “I don’t know what to tell you, Rome. There’s something about him.”

“Well, that’s not what I was expecting.” Rome moves toward me and wraps me in his arms. What the fuck is he doing? “Stop fighting my hug and take it.” I smirk with his words. “I mean, if you like him...”

“It couldn’t ever work, even if I did.” I break out of Rome’s embrace easily. “But I’m sure as hell not gonna let another fucker touch him.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, I’ll take care of it.”

“A politician and the head of a mafia family, who would’ve thought,” Rome teases.

“Sounds like the start of a bad joke,” I reply.

Fuck, it really does.

* * *

G and I walk up the pathway to the front of Miller’s house, and I gesture for G to kick down his door. G steps back and lays his boot to it, but the door doesn’t fully open. He kicks it again, and the door flings wide open.

“What the fuck?” Miller yells when I walk in.

He’s holding a wooden spoon, his expression stuck somewhere between disbelief and furious. “You’re okay?” I barge into his house and look around. “Check upstairs,” I say to G who takes off to the upper level.

“Are you clinically insane?” Miller is gawking at me. “Why the hell did you kick down my door?”

“Your door is shit. If I can get in, then anyone can.”

“Get out of my house!” He points to the void in the wall where the door used to be. “Get the fuck out before I call the police.”