“Get Rome home.” G discreetly glimpses at Rome then back to me. His brows are high in question. “He’s struggling. I don’t want his men to see him this way.”
G maneuvers his body so his facing me, and so he can see Rome. G rubs at his chin several times. “How do you want to handle this, Frank?”
The only way I can get Rome out of here is if I give him a reason to leave. “Rome,” I call and gesture for him to come over.
“Yeah?” His posture is stiff and it’s easy to see he’s uncomfortable.
“I need you to go back to the house and find who’s at fault for the inventory.”
Rome’s gaze darts to the unconscious guy, then to the blood staining the concrete flooring. “Alright.” He still can’t look me in the eyes, but he puts on his own front and turns to leave.
“Walk him out,” I say to G.
“I need a smoke anyway.” G takes his cigarettes out of his pocket, taps out a smoke and puts it to his lips. Filthy fucking habit, but thankfully G’s more of a casual smoker than anything.
The unconscious guy starts to blink awake. He groans several times and looks around. “Wh-what happened to the other guy?”
I pointedly stare at the blood on the floor. “He’s no longer with us,” I say.
This sends him into a panic. “So-sorry,” he stutters as snot drips from his nose and his eyes leak with tears. “I promise I won’t do it again.”
“You’re right, you won’t.” The door to the warehouse opening, forces me to turn to see who’s entering. G comes in and gives me a knowing nod. Good, Rome has left. “He promised not to rape another woman again.”
“And you believe him?” G’s lifts a brow while a sneaky grin tugs at his lips.
“Absolutely.” I wink to G. “Dario outside?” G nods. I look back at the guy tied in the chair. “Let him go.” G holds in his laugh. A relieved tremor washes over the rapist. “After you castrate him.”
“What?” the guy yells.
I pet G’s shoulder twice. “Have fun.”
“See you back at the house.”
I walk out of the warehouse to the guy begging G not to castrate him. He’s offering G money and even his car. But I trust that G will get the job done.
Everyone needs to know that if you mess with my property, you will pay with your life. No one fucks with me.
Chapter 12
When I returned home late last night, Rome was in his room with the door locked. He didn’t want to be disturbed, and I get that. Being in this lifestyle isn’t easy...at first. However, I know Rome will not only be fine, he’ll flourish if he allows himself.
The dining room is set for dinner, and I’m waiting for Rome to appear so we can eat. “Mya,” I call.
“Yes, ma’am,” she says once she promptly appears.
“Have you seen my brother?” She shakes her head. “Hmmm,” I grumble as I stand and head upstairs. I knock on Rome’s door and wait for his reply before opening it. “Hey, you alright?” I ask as I lean against the door jamb.
He’s sitting at the desk in his room, working on the laptop. “What?” He turns to glance at me before returning his attention to the screen.
“Are you hiding out up here, or what?”
“What?” he repeats without looking at me.
“What the fuck is going on with you, Rome? I haven’t seen you since yesterday at the warehouse.”
“It’s nothing,” he replies. But his clipped tone screams volumes. I cross my arms in front of my chest, refusing to leave until he talks to me. It takes a good thirty seconds before he slams the laptop shut and swivels in his chair to stare at me. “What do you want, Frankie?”