I find myself pushing up out of the chair and slinging my suit jacket on. I head out of my office with determination. “Everything okay?” Zac calls.
“I’m heading out, I’ll be back later. Unless there’s a catastrophe in the state, don’t disturb me.”
I barely hear Zac’s reply as I hurriedly leave the office. I need to get Frankie out of my head, or I’ll obsess over her until I break. And let me tell you, she’s not going to be my undoing. She’s a mob boss, a delinquent. Nothing more than a fucking miscreant.
I have to get out of here and clear my head. Thinking about her is only going to make my blood boil.
...and my dick hard.
* * *
I’ve been driving around for an hour, and I’m furious at myself. I don’t even know how, but I find myself on the road of her ridiculously large estate.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I curse at myself. Overgrown trees are concealing my car. Thankfully, I’m not stupid enough to rock up in front of those heavily guarded gates.
I lay my head back on the seat as I continue to stare at the massive white house in the distance. What am I even doing here? I shouldn’t be anywhere near her. She’s...dangerous. Especially to me.
I look down at my hands and shake my head, attempting to dislodge the thought of the way she stared into my eyes while I was tightening my fingers around her throat. Why am I still sitting here, stalking her? I close my eyes and rub at my temple, attempting to alleviate the pressure building behind my eyes and across my forehead.
Suddenly, someone knocks on the window. Fuck.
I slowly lift my head to see the soulful dark eyes staring at me. A smug smirk tugs at her lips. She’s holding an apple and cutting chunks off it with a sharp-as-fuck knife. She gestures for me to lower my window.
I close my eyes for a few seconds before facing her like a man, and not a creep who’s hiding in his car. I open the door to get out, and Frankie takes a step backward. “You lost?” she asks casually as she cuts another chunk of apple and pops it in her mouth.
“Not exactly,” I reply as I look down the isolated street. “Who are you?” I ask an older man standing behind her to the left.
“You really haven’t done that much research on me if you don’t know who he is.” Frankie juts her chin toward the guy.
I square my shoulders and step forward, offering him my hand to shake. The guy looks at my hand in disgust and draws his upper lip into a snarl. “I don’t think so.” He straightens and moves closer to Frankie.
“You’re an idiot,” Frankie says to me. “What are you doing out here?” I glance at the guy standing beside her, who has to be her bodyguard, then back to her. “G.” She flicks her head to the side, silently giving him an order.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure,” she replies. G – her bodyguard ? steps backward, but keeps his eyes on me. Frankie easily maneuvers so she’s leaning up against my car. “What do you want?”
I have to think quick, or I’ll end up stuffed in my trunk with my car in the bottom of the ocean. “You’re a pain in my ass, and I wanted to see where you live.”
“A pain in your ass?” Frankie’s brows lift as she takes the last chunk of apple and pops it in her mouth. God, I love her lips. They’d look perfect wrapped around my cock. “Is that what you want me to be? I mean, if pegging is your thing...” her voice trails off.
“What? No! What?”
“You said I was a pain in your ass.”
“Not literally,” I retort.
“Hey.” She flicks the knife closed and places it on the hood of the car. Holding her hands up in surrender, she chuckles. “Whatever you’re into, I’m not one to judge.”
“Can we get off this subject?’
“You wanna get off? Man, you’re one horny bastard, aren’t you?”
“Shut the fuck up,” I groan at her in frustration.
“Can you be decisive in what you want from me? One minute you want me to peg you, then you want to get off, now you want me to be quiet.” Frankie shakes her head. “Phew, and they say women are unclear. At least with me, everyone knows where they stand.”
“Where do I stand?” the words tumble out of my mouth before I even have a chance to think about them.