Page 26 of Mob Queen

“And he’s been with your father since he was fifteen. And now, he’s thirty and made his way up the ranks. I trust him.” He’s still looking to me for my final approval.

I don’t like having someone so high up who’s not cut from the same cloth, but, as G stated, Karter has been with us for over fifteen years. “Karter is fine,” I say.

“I’ll have the boys meet here this afternoon, and you can talk to them. But...” He slides his phone into his pocket and looks at his gold watch. “We have to leave for the meeting.” G falls into place beside me, and when we reach the front door, he opens it for me. Dario is already waiting by the car, and once I slide into the back and G is beside me, Dario is already driving down the long driveway to the security gate.

“I need you to keep an eye on Petro at the meeting.”

“I’ll be watching all those fuckers. Augustas, Saccos, Venanzis. I don’t trust any of them.”

“I don’t like Petro. If someone happens to put a bullet between his eyes, I’m not gonna miss him.”

G snickers. “That can be arranged.” He looks over to me. “No news from 15 yet?”


“For an assassin, she’s taking her sweet fucking time.”

Although I’d rather have the information already, I know I have to be patient, or I could end up starting a war I don’t want. Especially considering Miller is going to be a pain in my ass. “I know, but...” I lift my hand to gesture for him to calm. “I want this done right.”

“It’s the only way to move forward,” G says with a hint of irritation that this is taking so long.

“The balls on Miller,” I say changing the subject. “Bastard sent his FBI friend to the house. I must admit, I like his style.”

“Maybe we can get a two-for-one deal with him and Petro.”

I snap my head to the side to glare at G. “No one touches him,” I say.

“Whoa, hold up, Frank.” G lifts his hands in defense. “If he needs to be put down, then that’s what’ll happen.”

I lean over closer to G, staring right into his hard eyes. “No one touches Miller,” I repeat slower. My muscles tense and my pulse quickens.

G shakes his head and adjusts his tie. “Understood.” He squirms in the seat before pulling his shoulders back. “Is there something going on I should be aware of?” I lift my chin with arrogance. “Did something happen last night when you saw him?”


“Is there something I’m missing? Because if it was someone who’s causing us problems, we’d be planning his death.”

“You’re not missing anything.” I turn away and look out the window, choosing to end this conversation before anything more is asked.

Jeremy Miller is a pain in my fucking ass, but I won’t take him down. I absolutely will turn him so I own him.

* * *

“I don’t like this, Frank. It’s not on our territory,” G says as we walk from the car toward Petro’s club.

“He asked for the meet, so we’re all meeting here.”

One of Petro’s men is at the door. He must weigh easily three hundred pounds and stands a full head taller than me. Maybe even more. “Miss DeLuca,” he acknowledges as we walk toward him. He opens the door and G walks ahead of me to scope the club out. Inside the entrance is another one of Petro’s men. He steps forward and with a security wand scans it over G’s body. The wand is beeping like crazy, and the guy indicates with a jerk of the chin to remove the guns.

“No fucking way,” I say.

“Don Augusta has insisted that everyone needs to remove their weapons,” he says as if he’s calling the shots.

“Has he?” I ask.

“Hmh.” His security arrogantly looks me up and down. Fucker.

I scan the club and can’t see anyone else here yet. “He can call me when he’s ready to talk like a big boy.” I look to G. “Let’s go.” G and I turn to leave.