Page 14 of Mob Queen

“You don’t need me. That’s clear from what happened downstairs. But I want to stay and help you.”

“I don’t need help. I have G for that.”

Rome stops pacing and swivels on the spot. “Fuck, Frank.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I want to be here to have your back.”

I screw my nose and tilt my head to the side. “What’s come over you?”

“What I just saw.” He points downstairs. “I’ll never be able to relax knowing there’s so many of your men waiting for their moment to attack. Dad was shot in front of you, and I don’t want that for you. I thought I was okay with leaving once the funeral was done, but after today.” He lifts his hand to gesture toward me. “You literally had pieces of flesh stuck in your hair, Frank.”

“I know. I washed it out.”

“You’re not even affected by what happened.”

My body temperature rises as I open my mouth and shake my head at Rome. “Stay because you want to, not because you think I’m some weak-ass woman.”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I know you’re not weak. You’re the complete opposite, and that makes you a target. I want to be here to be someone you can rely on. Someone you can trust. I want to have your back.”

“You want to be my security?”

Rome advances toward me and lifts his hands to grip my upper arms. “I want to help you run the business. I don’t want to take over; I just want to be helpful. That’s it. Nothing more.”

I step back, breaking his grip on my arms. “Why now?”

He releases a humorless chuckle. “Because, Frank, what I saw downstairs tells me you’re nothing like Dad.”

They’re not words I wanted to hear from my brother. “What the hell?” I screw up my mouth in confusion.

“You’re more dangerous than Dad ever was. Coupled that with the fact that you’re a woman, the threat isn’t only from your enemies, but from those who work for you too.”

“You have no idea how dangerous Dad was.”

“Did he ever kill anyone in front of a room filled with his own men?” I cock a brow and dart my tongue out to sweep over my lower lip. “I take that as a no.”

“Not to my knowledge,” I answer.

“Let me be part of this.”

“Would you kill someone if they came for me?”

Rome straightens and intakes a sharp breath. “Yes,” he says without hesitation. “I think you can do amazing things, and even though I turned my back on Dad, I won’t do that to you.” He puffs his chest out. “If you let me.”

I nod slowly. “If you’re in, you’re in for life, Rome. The only way out is in a bag.”

“I know.”

Truth is, having my brother on board will be good for me. In time I’ll be able to move some of the responsibility to him. Besides that, two DeLucas is much stronger than one. “Are you serious about this, Rome?”

His jaw jumps, but slowly he nods. “I want in.”

“Don’t think for one moment I’ll go easy on you.”

A small smile tugs at his lips. “I don’t doubt it.”

“You don’t ever question me in front of anyone.” He nods. “What I say, goes. I’ve been in this life longer than you have.”

“I know,” he says.

The next words out of my mouth hurt. “I’ll fucking end you if you cross me.” I don’t want to speak them, but he needs to know this isn’t something he can come and go from. There’s an uncomfortable silence between us. “I’m going to go dry my hair, and if you’re gone when I return, I’ll forget about this conversation and you’re free to leave. But if you’re still in my room when I return, then there’s no leaving. Ever.” I love my brother, but he left once before.