“Can we draw any more attention?” I murmur to myself.
“Sorry?” He opens the back door and waits for me to enter. I half expect Frankie to be in the back, waiting for my arrival. Thankfully, she’s not. “To your home, Mr. Miller?”
Everything about this is agitating me. From this pompous car, to Frankie to even Niko. It’s all annoying the fuck out of me. “Yes,” I grumble as I settle back and look out the window.
It shouldn’t surprise me that Niko knows exactly where I used to live. When he pulls up outside my burnt-down home, I get out and look around. “What the fuck?” The entire lot has been cleared. There’s nothing other than land left. It’s like I never had a house here to begin with. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Frankie’s number. It rings without her answering.
“Mr. Miller?” a woman says from behind me.
“What?” I snap at her. Her brows lift and she tilts her head to the side. “What?”
“I’m from the insurance company,” her tone hardens.
I roll my eyes closed as my jaw clenches. “My apologies, I’ve had a tough day.” My shoulders are stiff with hard tension. “I’m sorry,” I repeat as I open my eyes and extend my hand. After a quick introduction, Irene and I stand in front of the cleared lot.
What a total disaster.
“I can’t assess something that’s no longer here. Why did you have it cleared before I came out to assess it?”
Good question, and something I’m going to have to take up with Frankie. I clear my throat and look over my shoulder at Niko, who’s waiting by the car. “I’m sorry to have wasted your time.”
“We can’t pay for this.”
“I understand.”
She straightens and looks at the cleared lot, then back to me. “I must say, I’ve not been in this position before.”
I click my tongue to the roof of my mouth and nod. “Trust me, neither have I.”
“Enjoy the rest of your evening.” She shakes my hand and heads toward her car.
I’m left standing in front of where my house is supposed to be, bewildered by Frankie’s questionable behavior. She’s one wild person. I turn and walk toward Niko. “Take me to her.” I slide in the back of the car, not waiting for him to reply.
Frankie DeLuca is unstable, to say the least.
Chapter 22
G pulls out his phone, reads his message and shakes his head. “The politician is on his way.”
He stands and heads toward the door. “Clear my setting and have a new one set down,” he instructs the waiter at Moonlight.
“Of course,” the waiter replies and makes quick work of removing G’s setting.
I sip on my scotch and wait for Miller to barrel in here and call me whatever names he’s come up with. I chuckle when I hear him say, “Where the hell is she?”
“Calm down, public servant.”
“What?” I hear Miller respond.
“I said calm the fuck down, public servant.”
I can’t help but laugh louder as G pushes Miller more.
“I’m the God damned governor.”