Page 48 of Mob Queen

I place my hands on my head as I look up to the ceiling, thinking on what I have to do. I could let them all kill each other, then my state will be safe from the mafia. As much as I want Frankie DeLuca out, I’m not sure I could bear knowing she was killed because she’s a fucking mobster.

I push the intrusive, yet unsettling thoughts aside and continue with my work.

The end of today can’t come fast enough.

* * *

I stand from my desk and roll my head from side to side. I release a massive yawn before grabbing my suit jacket and slinging it on. I pack my laptop into my briefcase, and head out to find Zac’s already left for the evening. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see it’s already after nine. “No wonder I’m hungry,” I grumble to myself.

I look around the office, and flick the lights off before locking it and heading down to the underground parking. Once in my car, I take off toward home, eager for my head to hit the pillow.

I hit the fob to open my garage, roll my car into it, and shut the garage door. I stretch when I get out of the car then head around to the passenger side for my briefcase. There’s so much work I still have to do, but I think I’ll have dinner and go to bed. My body clock wakes me at around four every morning. At least I’ll be able to get a few hours of work in after I wake.

I head into the house from the garage and pull my phone out of my pocket to check on my emails.

“About time you showed up.”

I startle as I step back. Frankie is sitting at my dining room table, her legs crossed and her unruly hair a wild mess. “How the fuck did you get in?” I look around, checking to see if there are any signs of how she broke into my home. But I’m also relieved to see she wasn’t hurt in the shooting.

“Really?” she says with a snort. “You’re worried about how I broke in?” Frankie stands and walks over to me. She takes me by the arm and leads me over to where she was sitting. “I have a question for you.”

“What is it?” I place my briefcase beside me on the floor as I sit.

“Did you do it?”

I stare at her for a moment, not sure what she’s asking. “Do what?” Frankie tilts her head to the side and clicks her tongue. “What are you talking about?”

“Who did you hire to destroy my restaurant?”

“What?” I abruptly stand to my feet. “You think I did this?” I pace back and forth while raking my hand through my hair. “The moment I heard about it, I wanted to reach out, but...” I stop pacing and pivot on the spot to look at her. “Get the fuck out of my house.” I point to the door.

Frankie smirks and sits back in the chair, challenging me. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me who you hired, and why.”

“You break into my house to accuse me of something I’d never do? Get the fuck out before I throw you out.”

“I’d like to see you try,” she threatens.

“That’s it. I’m sick of your shit, Frankie.” I storm toward her and wrap my hand around her upper arm. I yank her up out of the chair and drag her toward the front door. “Get out.” She maneuvers her body so she’s in front of me, and slaps me across the face. “You’re a fucking psychopath!”

“Passionate – psychopath. Same, same.”

“No, you’re crazy.” I tighten my fingers around her upper arm and drag her closer to me. “Get out,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Make me.” Frankie moves toe to toe with me. My jaw jumps with frustration. “Thought so.” She shrugs out of my hold and takes a step back. “Fucking pussy,” Frankie grumbles as she lifts her chin and walks toward the door.

Frankie’s arrogance has crept under my skin. I reach to grab a handful of hair and yank her back toward me. Aggressively I jerk her head back so she’s looking up at me with her neck contorted in an unnatural way. “You’re a pain in my fucking ass.”

Frankie’s eyes darken and she doesn’t even try to fight her way out of the hostile position I have her in. My cock jumps and I love having her like this. No, I shouldn’t like it...but I do.

Her eyes dart to my lips, then back to my eyes. “You’re quite handsy, aren’t you, Miller?”

For a few seconds my mind darkens with the primal things I want to do to Frankie. I want to fuck her, bend and break her until she’s a fucking slut begging me to stop because she can’t take anymore. I release her and step back, raking my hands through my hair and over my face. “Get out before I...”

“Before you what?” she challenges as she straightens and pulls her shoulders back.

I’m on the verge of breaking, but I refuse to give in to a mobster. Especially Frankie DeLuca. I step back and loosen my tie so I can take it off and forget about this night. “Leave.” I stay rooted to the spot, waiting for Frankie to leave.

Frankie snickers as she obviously looks me up and down. “It feels so wrong doesn’t it?” My brows furrow as I continue to watch Frankie. “This.” She gestures between us. “Feels so wrong.”