Page 49 of Loving Gabe

Chapter Fifteen


One week later…

I have been home for a few days now, and I am already bored out of my mind.

There has been so much happening, but no one will let me do anything. We finally got a hold of someone at the Vicious Snakes, only to find out that Hudson was missing. They had no idea how to find him, and that brought new worries to the whole family. Why is all this shit going on? There has to be something I could do to help.

Gabe has been by my side the whole time, just like he said he was going to be.

He took time off work but, honestly, I am ready for him to go back now. He has been smothering me already, and it has only been a few days.

I still don’t talk much, since my throat doesn’t feel fully healed and I don’t want to mess it up. Plus, it also hurts to talk.

I spend plenty of time texting and writing notes.

Christina, Greg, and Quinn have all called, texted, or came to see me to make sure I was okay. It’s good to finally have friends that I can trust, and who care about me.

Caleb is supposed to come over soon. Gabe was not too happy to find that out.

I didn’t realize he knew about our history. He had told me it was obvious, but I had to reassure him that it was in the past and I don’t feel anything for Caleb anymore.

I already know that Gabe won’t leave my side. He may trust me, but he told me that he doesn’t trust Caleb.

When I asked him if he knew who started the fire, he told me they are working on it and not to worry about it.

I can’t help but worry about it. Someone tried to kill me.

Greg had let it slip that a couple people had intentionally started it while knowing I was inside.

I honestly can’t think of who would want to kill me. The only person I know who is upset at me is my ex, Kalen, but I can’t picture him trying to kill me.

I’m so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Caleb walk in.

“Hey, you are looking better,” he says before giving me a small hug.

He had come to see me in the hospital, but I was so out of it I barely remember.

I smile at him in response.

“How long until we can hear your beautiful voice again?” he asks while sitting down, earning a growl from Gabe.

Caleb is unphased and winks at Gabe in response.

“Don’t worry, I know she’s your girl and I missed my shot,” Caleb says with a chuckle.

“Don’t you forget it,” Gabe replies while placing his arm around me.

“She will still not be able to talk for a few weeks. The longer she lets it heal, the easier it will be when she does talk,” Gabe tells Caleb.

“That’s rough, but whatever it takes to heal,” Caleb tells him.

Gabe and Caleb talk for a bit before Gabe heads to his office to get some work done. I guess he sees Caleb isn’t a threat to him. Good.

“Everything okay with you?” he asks, and I offer him a shrug.

“Look, I know we have a history; but I’m more than happy to be your friend,” he tells me with a sincere smile.