Page 27 of Loving Gabe

Me: Sorry, I don’t miss having a lying, manipulative asshole in my life.

I block his number, but he made me remember why it was so hard to have anyone in my life. I don’t have to worry about that with Gabe, but it still stings thinking about all the failed relationships I have been involved in.


I’m distracted when I hang out with my friends, Aubrey’s brothers. All I wanted to do was to go home and fuck Aubrey.

Everyday with Aubrey is amazing.

I fuck her most nights, but I still can’t seem to get enough of her.

I fought this feeling for her for so long that it’s sometimes crazy to think I can actually be with her.

I wish I could spend more time with her, but work has been very busy lately. People are getting sick, and I end up having to cover their shifts. It’s not something I do often since I usually do paperwork, but I do it when we are short staffed.

“Quit thinking about my sister,” Chase snaps.

I shake my head to rid the thoughts of my woman.

“I always think about your sister,” I tell him with a shrug.

“Already pussy whipped,” Theo says with a laugh.

“I’d do anything for her, and I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks,” I tell them.

They all eye me for a moment, probably to see how serious I am, but they aren’t going to find a sliver of doubt in my eyes.

“Good. Keep it that way,” Nolan says, nodding his head in approval.

We have some food and drinks. I have more than I intended, but Chase kept insisting on shot after shot.

Fuck, weren’t we supposed to be too old for this shit already?

By the time we all head our separate ways home, I’m stumbling into the elevator to my building.

The place is dark when I walk into my place.

I know Christina is staying with us for the weekend, so I try to be quiet as I stumble to my room.

A sigh of relief leaves me when I see Aubrey in our bed, sound asleep.

Having her to come home to makes everything better.

When I walk to the bed, I knock my foot into something, stubbing my toe, and curse louder than I intended before falling to the floor.

“What the-” Aubrey says before turning on the bedside lamp.

“Gabe?” she gasps in surprise.

I grin at her. “Hey baby.”

“Are you drunk?” she asks with a laugh.

“So many shots,” I grumble.

“At least you don’t have to go to work tomorrow,” she says while smiling at me and walking over to where I am now sprawled out on the floor.

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” I say as the room spins.