Page 17 of Loving Gabe

“Just because our sister makes sense doesn’t mean we should tell her she’s right,” he whispers, glaring at Hudson.

“Why the fuck not?” Hudson hisses back, still rubbing his head.

“Because you never tell a woman that she’s right. They won’t ever let you hear the end of it,” Theodore says with a roll of his eyes.

“That is horrible advice,” I say dryly.

All of them freeze at my voice like they had just realised I was still in the room.

Gabriel chuckles at the looks on all of their faces.

“Shit, you just heard all of that?” Dylan says to me with a sheepish look on his face.

“You guys aren’t exactly quiet,” I retort.

“So, you expect us to just accept that you’re fucking my best friend?” Chase says with a bite in his tone.

“I can’t make you see reason if you don’t get your head out of your ass. If you didn’t think that Gabriel was a good guy, he wouldn’t be your best friend. Unless he’s not good enough. I could always give Bill a call,” I say with a smirk when all of them glare at me. Bill is Nolan’s best friend who is a complete player. I would never in my life date him, but I don’t bother to tell them that.

“Like fuck you are calling Bill,” Gabriel bites out angrily.

I turn to him with my own smirk. “What? Why not? I mean he’s got to be a better choice if they aren’t happy with this arrangement,” I say, gesturing between us. Gabriel’s eyes narrow on me but he must see the smile I’m trying to hold back because his lips twitch and he nods his head.

“Talking about me?” Bill asks while walking into the room with my parents right behind him. Wow, I didn’t hear them come in. There is a good chance that they didn’t knock though. Gabriel is close enough with our family that it’s not necessary.

“Hey Bill, it’s so good to see you,” I say with a low, seductive purr.

“Don’t,” all of my brothers and Gabriel yell at the same time while Bill lets out a nervous chuckle and throws his hands in the air, backing far away from me.

“I didn’t do anything,” he says in a defensive tone.

“What’s going on here?” my dad asks, looking at my brothers before narrowing his eyes on me sitting in Gabriel’s lap.

The room goes silent while he stares at us from head to toe. The tension in the air is thick. You never know what my dad is going to say, but his word is respected by everyone in this room so I know that whatever he decides will sway most of my brothers. They respect our dad’s opinion too much to go against it.

“Well it’s about fucking time,” he says with a grin finally breaking free. He actually looks fucking ecstatic that Gabriel and I are together.

Everyone gapes at him while my mom claps gleefully and pulls me from Gabriel’s lap to give me a hug.

“Oh, this is wonderful. I have been waiting for this day for years,” she says, grinning widely.

“H-how are you okay with this?” Chase asks before standing up and stepping closer to my dad.

“How would I not be? Gabe has been in love with my little girl since forever. He has protected her throughout the years and, not to mention, makes my little girl happy. There’s nothing else that I could ask for more than that. And there is nothing going to get in the way of my little girl’s happiness. Am I clear?” he says in a no bullshit tone that you have no choice but to listen to.

Chase stares at our dad for what feels like hours, even though it’s only seconds, before slowly nodding his head.

“Fine,” he says before turning around and looking at us.

“Just don’t let me catch you guys having sex because I won’t control my actions if I do,” he says giving Gabriel a pointed look.

Gabriel stands up and looks at my brother in the eye with a serious expression.

“I’d do anything for your sister. I wanted her for a long time but, out of respect for you, I stayed away when it killed me to do so. There is nothing that you can say or do that would make me leave your sister.”

Chase rubs a hand over his face and sighs. “Okay, I get it, and I knew you had a thing for her. That’s why I always warned you away from her but, if you are serious about this, about her, then I won’t stand in your way. But hurt her, and I will fucking come after you.”

“Can we get back to what you were saying about me?” Bill asks from where he is now sitting at the couch. Bill’s question breaks the tension between friends immediately.