Page 62 of Loving Gabe

I don’t know where on the road everyone else is, but I can’t grab my phone since I don’t need the distraction right now.

Just when I think the person is going to pass us, they slow down right in front of us and that’s when I notice the second black SUV.

Fuck. This isn’t good.

“What the fuck is that guy doing?” Aubrey asks while sitting up, catching onto our situation.

“I’m not sure. Babe, I need you to grab your phone and call Chase,” I tell her while trying to remain calm.

I notice out of the corner of my eyes that she’s shaking as she does what I have asked.

“Chase? There is something going on,” she says after she calls and puts it on speaker.

“What’s going on?” he asks, taking on the terrified note of her voice.

“Chase, there is a black SUV in front of us and one behind. Looks like they are trying to box us in,” I tell him.

“Send me your location. You shouldn’t be too far behind us,” he says.

Aubrey does just that right before we are hit from both sides of the bumpers. We are definitely in shit.

Aubrey lets out a little scream from the commotion.

“It’s okay, baby. I won’t let anything happen to you,” I reassure her.

I’m not sure how much I can do since I don’t know what their plan is.

I do everything I can to keep the vehicle steady.

The SUV at the back pulls away, and I wonder what their plan is for a second before they speed up and hit the corner of my vehicle again hard, causing Aubrey to scream.

It takes them a couple more hits before the front SUV pulls ahead when the next hit comes. They successfully get us off the road, and we go flying into the ditch.

My head hits the window causing a searing pain throughout as I get the vehicle to stop.

I turn to Aubrey, and she has blood trailing down her forehead. She looks at me dazed.

The doors to both sides open and, before I can do anything, there is a sting in my neck and everything turns black.

When I finally start to wake up, I feel like my body has been hit by a bus and everything feels heavy.

I look around to see Aubrey tied to a chair. I worry that they may have done something more to her, but I see the steady rise and fall of her chest, so I know she’s still alive.

After I look at her, I check out my own situation. I am tied to a chair as well. If these fuckers think this can hold me, they have another thing coming.

I don’t immediately try to get free since I want to see who fucking took us.

I also know that the Kingsley brothers won’t be far behind.

There is one safety measure that we all have. There is a GPS we carry with us in the event that this shit happens.

We have them built into our watches, shoes, and the chain I currently have around my neck.

They would have looked up our location the second we were taken.

The door opens, breaking me out of my thoughts, and my blood runs cold when I see who walks through.

Not just one person. Fuck no. It’s four people who are about to be fucking dead.