Page 51 of Loving Gabe

“Mmmmhmmmm…” Caleb replies licking his lips.

“I don’t think he swings that way,” Bill says while rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward chuckle.

“You’d be surprised. I am quite persuasive,” Caleb says.

“Right. I think you are barking up the wrong tree,” Bill says, sounding tense.

I watch the exchange with rapid attention. Hmmm… this is interesting.

I write on the notepad. “I’m sure there’s enough Nolan to go around.”

I turn it around to show them with a knowing smile.

Bill gapes at me, but Caleb chuckles. “I’ve always been good at sharing,” Caleb says while looking at Bill in a teasing manner.

Gabe and Nolan come back out, cutting off whatever Bill was going to say. I think Bill was in too much shock to really say anything anyway.

It should be weird that Caleb is interested in my brother, considering our history; however, if Nolan wants to go there, it won’t be a problem for me.

“I’ve got to head out and check on a few leads,” Nolan says to Bill.

“Leads on what?” I write on the pad.

Nolan looks to Gabe, but Gabe shakes his head.

“I better head out too. I seem to have an appetite now,” Caleb says before standing up. He moves over and kisses me on the cheek.

“Get better, beautiful. Let me know if you need anything,” he whispers.

I nod my head and turn my attention to Gabe once everyone leaves.

I raise an eyebrow at him. “What was that about?” I write, and look at him without blinking so that I don’t miss any subtleties in his face when he responds.

He lets out a sigh and sits down beside me. “He’s following a lead on whomever attacked you.”

“Do you know who it was?” I write. “No lies.”

He looks me in the eyes. “We know that Stella and Kalen were the ones who started the fire. We don’t know if anyone else was behind it but, when you were in the hospital, we lost track of them. Kalen’s credit card was just used, so Nolan is going to grab Chase and they are going to check it out.”

I let the words sink in. Stella and Kalen. How could they try to kill me? What did I ever do to make them hate me so much? I wasn’t the reason Stella got fired, and all I did was break up with Kalen, and it’s not like we were together for very long.

“Why didn’t you go?” I write.

He looks at me like I am crazy. “I’m not leaving your side, baby. Not for a long time. You don’t get what seeing you like that did to me.”

I sigh. I guess he’s right, and that makes me feel like an ungrateful bitch. Here I am complaining because he’s been hovering around me, and he’s been picturing me almost dying over and over again.

I snuggle into him as he turns the TV on. I feel so ungrateful, but there is nothing to do but think about everything since I can’t do anything for a while.

Hopefully, I can figure it out.


After I put Aubrey to bed that night, I head downstairs to tidy up a bit.

We have people to do that, but I gave everyone time off so I could focus on my woman.

There isn’t much of a mess anyways.