Page 4 of Loving Gabe

“I’m great, but I won’t be back for another few days. I have hit a snag,” he says with a sigh.

I can’t help but groan and rub a hand over my face. Of course he did. I don’t have time for this shit, but he’s my best friend so I know I will help him with whatever he needs. “What kind of snag?” I ask.

He lets out a chuckle. “Aubrey is coming into town, but none of us are there to pick her up from the airport. Could you help us out?”

I hold in another sigh that wants to escape. Aubrey has been someone I have actively avoided since I was a teenager; not that any of her brothers had noticed. They have all done their best to keep Aubrey protected from anyone who is interested in her, or “predators” as they like to call any and all of these people. Thanks to her older brothers, only people close to the family are able to be a part of her world. They warned me off of her and that was all it took. They are family; I would do anything for them, even stay away from the only woman I could see a future with.

“I thought your family thing isn’t until next week,” I comment.

“Yeah, tell that to Aubrey though. She always leaves school and heads out a week early to visit my parents,” he says.

I nod my head even though he can’t see me. “Right, well I was headed to the cabin tonight for a few days.”

“That’s great, bring her with you. Though I don’t have to remind you to keep your hands off of my sister, do I?” he says in a deadly serious tone that would give me chills if I were anyone else.

“I know. You know that I don’t see her that way,” I say, lying to my best friend about my interest in Aubrey for the millionth time.

He lets out a snort of disbelief but doesn’t say anything. Could he know that I want Aubrey more than anything? Every time I see her, I wish she was mine.

“Why are you going out a few days early?” he asks curiously.

“I wanted some peace and quiet until the family shows up,” I say. “I do it every year.”

“Wow, I had no idea,” he says in shock.

I let out a chuckle. “Yeah I know. I kept it that way because one of you Kingsleys would have found a way to come. I love your family, but all of you together can get quite loud.”

He lets out a laugh at that. “That is true. Well, I should be back in a couple days and then we will take our dear sister off your hands.”

“Alright, where do I get her?” I grumble.

I’m not exactly excited to see the woman I have wanted for the longest time but cannot have.

She’s completely off limits; forbidden. You would think that this would help lessen my attraction to her, but it only enhances it.

But I can handle a couple days.

No problem.


I slowly drag myself off of the plane.

My family always spends two weeks together during the holiday season. I always like to head out a couple days early, since I never get any alone time with my parents anymore. No matter what we have going on, this time of year is important to our parents. Four of my brothers have become billionaires and their company continues to spread throughout the world. When everything took off, my parents still did not want to leave Colorado, which is where we all gather for Christmas

My brother Hudson, or “Stitch” as everyone else in the world who isn’t family calls him, is part of a “motorcycle club.” Do not use the word “gang” around him. That conversation never ends well.

No matter what paths my brothers took, I love them all.

I still had no idea what I was doing with my life. I was completely lost.

I had been going to college for a few years now because my brothers were paying for it. I still was just taking random classes without any direction. No one field of study interested me enough to want to specialise in it.

The only things that I know I love doing are cooking and writing in my blog. I had started getting a small following, but that was just a hobby.

I don’t think that I could do anything right if I tried.

I quit school shortly after breaking up with a guy that I was seeing. My now ex-boyfriend, Kalen, had been a complete waste of time.