Page 23 of Loving Gabe

“How about sexual harassment?” I say, raising an eyebrow at her.

“It’s your word against mine,” she says looking smug.

“Not with witnesses,” a voice growls from the doorway.

I turn my head to see Nolan standing there looking furious.

Stella pales, but I can tell when she knows she’s not going to get away with anything.

I call security. They stand watching as she packs up her desk before escorting her from the building.

“Fuck. Now I need to find someone else,” I mutter.

“Anyone that won’t jump on your dick. Or at least try to. Aubrey may seem sweet and innocent, but she’s crazy when she wants to be,” Nolan says with a laugh.

I nod my head and grin. Yeah, I know how Aubrey can be crazy. She thought she was being nice to all my former girlfriends. There were always the fake compliments. She made is sound like she was complimenting them but, really, she was making a dig at them.

I call down to HR to send out for a new assistant.

I lock up my office and Nolan and I start closing up.

“I’m so glad that bitch is gone,” he mutters.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I ask him.

“She tries to fuck all of us, wearing skimpy shit, but she did her job. It was your call to make. Hopefully the next one won’t be so bad,” he says.

“We won’t have to deal with her anymore,” I say before getting into the elevator.

I head to my vehicle before saying goodbye to Nolan as I finally head home to see my woman.

Fuck, I actually look forward to going home now. Finally having her has made my days so much better.

When I head into the penthouse, the place is dark. I know I’m not that late that she would already be sleeping.

When I walk into the room, I hear her singing in the bathroom.

A smile comes to my lips, and I walk over to the bathroom after seeing the door isn’t closed all the way.

She has her eyes closed as she sings some sort of love song.

What makes me want to laugh is that she’s tone deaf. I wouldn’t say that to her face though.

“Hey baby,” I say, and she screams in horror.

“You scared the shit out of me,” she says, breathing hard.

I chuckle. “I figured.”

“I didn’t think you would be home so early,” she says, looking at me.

“Yeah, how about we head out to dinner today?” I ask.

She gives me a soft smile. “That sounds great. I’ll just need to get ready.”

I don’t take my eyes off her as she washes her hair and soaps up her body. I bite my lip taking in the gorgeous woman before me.

I grab a towel and dry her off slowly. Making sure not to miss a spot.