“I don’t know. The quarry, I think. There’s some meteor shower tomorrow night that we’re going to watch.”

“At the quarry?” His tone is judgmental. “That’s not a date. There are all kinds of assholes up at the quarry. It’s not safe to be up there at night. You should tell him that.”

“Will do,” I say, ignoring the warmth in my heart that’s spreading. I’m sure his protectiveness is only because he’s older and he feels some kind of parental thing over me because I used to date Cody, but still… it feels good.

“Really,” he continues, “you shouldn’t go up there. If you want to see the meteor shower, there’s a place out near the lake that’s safe. I’ll text you the address.”

I resist the urge to climb over the seat and maul him with the pent-up affection I’m desperate to spread.

He flicks on his blinker and turns into my driveway. “Your parents up this late or do they leave the lights on for you?”

My parents. I still live with my parents. How embarrassing is this?

“They leave the lights on for me,” I manage. This is a lie too. My mom waits up for me every single night like I’m still a fifteen-year-old girl, not a twenty-two-year-old woman with a job and a full-time college workload. “I want to move out, but I can’t afford my own place yet.”

He nods. How does this man get hotter and hotter by the second? “I can show you some cabins up on Eagle Rock if you’re looking. They have some rentals up there that are really affordable.”

“I’d love that!” The words come out before I think them through. In reality, I’ve seen those cabins. They’re the cheapest on the mountain, but they’re still too expensive for me. Truthfully, I’m stuck with my parents until I graduate college. Even then, it’ll probably be longer still as I look for a job.

He rattles off his number and I type it into my phone with shaking hands and a tight stomach.

“Let me know how your date goes tomorrow. I’m here if you need anything.”

I glance toward him, my heart slamming against my chest, my stomach buzzing with butterflies and warmth. I will most definitely be texting him tomorrow.

Chapter Two


Lark is gorgeous. I don’t know what the hell Cody was thinking when he let her go. She was by far the best thing that ever happened to him. She’s smart, isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and she’s got her shit together. That’s more than I can say for women my age, let alone at twenty-two. The last woman I dated, albeit ten years ago, couldn’t regulate a thought through the time it took to eat a sandwich.

I lay back in bed and stare up at the ceiling, pushing away every sick thought that comes to mind. Lark lying next to me, her head against my chest, her hand in mine, our lips intertwined. What I’d give to know she’s safe, taken care of, appreciated the way she should be, touched like a woman should be touched.


These aren’t thoughts a man should be having about his son’s ex-girlfriend, or a woman twenty years younger than him. I know that. I’ve known that for months. And while they were together, I resisted every thought that pushed into my head. But now that he’s left her alone and confused, the urge to pick up her pieces is overwhelming.

I pull out my phone and settle on a video of her I’d taken up at the river last summer. I hadn’t meant for the images to become the sick fucking mess they are today, but here I am pulling out my cock to jerk off as I stare at my son’s ex-girlfriend in a two-piece bathing suit that shows off her thick curves and round ass.

This isn’t my thing. I don’t get hard over young women, and I especially don’t get hard over whoever Cody drags home… but Lark is different. Her heart is beyond her years. That’s probably why Cody didn’t like her. She challenged his bullshit, and that’s the one thing he hates the most. Anyone who has the gall to prove him wrong is a menace to his sensibilities.

I stroke my cock as I play the video.

Lark is on the edge of the boat, brushing her hair back as the wind blows it forward. The sun is shining, and the lake is placid. There are a few boaters out, but overall, it’s a quiet day. I’d suggested the fishing trip as a way to get to know Lark better. I convinced myself at the time that it was good parenting. That I needed to know my son’s girlfriend. Now, I realize it was probably more.

A fish jumps in the distance and she bounces up and smiles, inadvertently shaking her big, round tits as she moves. God, she’s heaven. Every thick curve moves with purpose as she springs up and down, riding the waves. Her small hand grips the handle behind her and her smile beams as the little red bikini top she wears threatens to slide.

My cock is hard, nearly exploding. I stroke faster.

Her long hair is tangled in her fingers as I slow the boat so she can watch, but a wave hits unexpectedly, and she’s thrown off the edge. A second later, she resurfaces, a wide grin on her face, and the top to her bathing suit is gone. It takes a long second for her to notice.

The video fades to black as I drop it into my lap and look away, but for a fraction of a second, her bare breast is there for me to see. Hard, erect nipples, heavy and perfect. Her sweet, pink lips parted. Her soft skin, tight and wet.

I jerk harder and harder to the thought of my teeth scraping against her nipples, my cock sliding into her tight little pussy, my hand fisted into her hair as she moans out. With this thought, I explode in a flurry of disappointed relief.

If I hadn’t done this a dozen or more times, I’d spend time convincing myself that the guilt I’m feeling isn’t warranted. I’d tell myself this is an innocent mistake, that I’ll do better next time, but that ship has long since sailed. That video has been watched so many times, the images are burned into my skull. And the more I watch it, the more I need Lark in my arms. The more I need her in my arms, the more I think about what happened after the video cut.

My son is a twenty-two-year-old guy. He doesn’t think things through before he speaks. The second Lark’s top came off, he made a comment about how much weight she’d gained recently. I’d have punched him in the throat if he weren’t my son. That night, I gave him hell. In the moment, all I could do was comfort Lark. I helped her out of the water, wrapped her in a towel, and showed her how to steer the boat. I’d hoped that was enough distraction to keep her mind off the comments Cody had made, but I saw the tears roll down her face.