She shudders against my touch and bounces gently as I explore the depths of her body. Thankful for the mirror in front of us, I watch her face. She hasn’t noticed it’s there, which makes it better. There’s no show, no act. Every flinch of her muscles, every broken moan, every smile is natural and just for me.

Her arms loop back around my neck as she rocks and bounces lightly, brushing the back of my hair.

“This would be cruel, don’t you think?”

She pants, bouncing on my cock, taking what she needs. “What do you mean? Am I hurting you?”

“No, baby. No. You could never hurt me. I mean, it would be cruel of us to walk away from this now. Don’t you think?” Blood pulses in my ears. “I can’t walk away from you. You’re mine for good. Can you tell me that? Will you tell me you’re mine?”

Her dark eyes drag up to mine in the mirror. Maybe she knew all along I was watching.

I lean in and scrape my teeth against her shoulder. “Say it. I know you want to. Don’t think about anything else. Right now is all that matters.”

She bounces faster and faster.

I grip her hips and watch her breasts rise and fall in the reflection, her gaze never leaving mine. Then all at once, her core squeezes tighter around my cock and she screams out, “I’m yours, Clive! I’ve always been yours!”

With this, intensity builds so deep within my cock that I lose control. Every ounce of rational thought is lost, and I come harder than I’ve ever come in my life.

Her hips roll against mine as I fist into her hair and growl against the nape of her neck. When my eyes finally open, she’s watching me come undone and I know in that moment that if this woman walks away from me, I won’t survive it.

“Say it again,” I groan into her ear. “Tell me you’re mine.”

She pulls off my dick slowly and stares at me, her eyes gentle and soft as she climbs forward on my lap. “I’m yours, Clive. I just hope I don’t hurt you.”

“You could never hurt me, my girl, no matter what happens. You understand me?” I tip her chin up and kiss her lips gently before standing from the chair and carrying her to bed.

“What about Cody? How do we explain all this?”

“He already knows.”

Her brows wrinkle. “What do you mean?”

“He knows me. He knows how I act, what I like, what I do. I wouldn’t go out in the middle of the night for anyone, and I’ve never watched the meteor shower before.”

“So… that doesn’t mean anything.”

“It does. I could see it on his face.”

“So then why did we come here?” There’s panic in her voice.

I huddle her into my arms and brush the back of her head gently. “Because I’ve got to live for me too. Cody is on the wrong side right now. When he comes back to good, we’ll have a talk, but you’re my priority. You and everything you’ve been dreaming of.” I kiss her forehead gently and she settles against my chest with a soft sigh. There are so many things I want to do to this woman, and now that I’ve got time, I’m going to do every last one of them.

Chapter Seven


I wake up sometime around four a.m. to three missed calls and about ninety-five text messages. Most of them are from my mom. I should’ve let her know I was staying with a friend so she didn’t worry.

Clive is still sleeping soundly. He lays sideways on his giant frame, cradling me in his arms. I don’t want to ever move again.

I type out a response to my mom apologizing for the lack of thought and let her know I’m with a friend. I don’t know if she’ll believe me, but it doesn’t matter. I’m safe, and I’m happy.

Snuggling further into Clive, I scroll down the messages.

Dolly: Considering you never called me when you got home, I’m assuming you’re getting fucked?

I smile. This time, I don’t think about how I probably look like the Joker. I let the grin happen. I let the warmth fill me up, and I close my eyes and wonder how in the hell I ever got here.