“It’s nothing.” Clive’s tone is low as we drive away. “That kid is in his head right now. He’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, but what did you say? What did he say?”

“I told him you needed a ride, and we decided to watch the meteors. He was weird, but it’s the truth… almost.” Clive glances toward me and his big hand reaches out for mine. I want to leave it there. I want him to swallow me up. I need him to take me, spread me open, and make me his.

I need there to be a space and time where it makes sense for us to be together, but this isn’t it.

“I should go home.” My voice cracks as I speak.

“What’s wrong?” Clive glances toward me.

Tears roll down my face as I stare back. I want to crash into him, hide under his strong arms, lose myself in his giant frame, find safety with him, but I can’t.

“Why are you crying, my girl?” Glancing between me and the road, he wipes away my tears.

God, why does he have to be so perfect?

I draw in a staggered breath as I force the lump in my throat down. “I… we should think about this some more. You can’t do this to Cody.”

His eyes widen and his hands return to the wheel. “You already feel like mine.”

“You feel like mine too,” I manage, wiping away tears, “but this doesn’t work. We know that.”

He reaches toward my hand again, but lands on my thigh and squeezes. “So, what now?”

I shrug. “You take me home.”

“I don’t know if I can.” His tone is low, graveled, and pained.

“What if this isn’t about the future? What if we just took tonight? A single night out of thirty-one thousand.”

He stares toward me then glances back toward the road. “I don’t know if I could ever be satisfied with one. I’d see you around town with other guys, and deep down I’d know you belonged to me.”

“I’d see the same. You with other women.”

“There are no other women. There haven’t been, and there won’t be.”

Deep down, I know I should walk away. The idea of a single night is a lie I tell myself to get what I want, when in reality, it will never be enough. That, and trying to emotionally detach from this is going to be hell.

“Where would we go?”

He glances toward me again, his hand on his beard. “A hotel in the Springs. We could spend the night and wake up together in the morning. I’ll hold you all night long.”

My thighs ache and I know for sure my body wants to say yes. It’s my brain that’s fighting me.

“I need to know you’re okay with this, though. You losing your virginity. I… you can’t lose it to me and then regret it.” Clive’s hand is back on mine.

“I’ll never regret giving you my virginity. Not ever.” I move his hand to my thigh and the smallest finger of his massive hand brushes against the edge of my panties.

I’m done, cooked, ready to be served.

He flicks on his blinker and turns onto the highway, passing by the road that would take me home.

For a moment, I wonder what my parents will think, what the world will say, who the hell I am. Then, that rumble in his chest comes back again, and I know I’m right where I’m supposed to be.

Chapter Six
