I tip my hand under her chin. “What’s wrong? You’ve been smiling like that all night.”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. I hate my smile.”

“You hate your smile? Why?”

“I look like the Joker.”

With this, I can’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry, but you’re not allowed to talk to you like that. You know how many times I’ve touched myself to the memory of that smile? That gorgeous, perfect grin.” I kiss her lips gently.

“So then take me. Let’s do this. I mean, why can’t we… aside from the obvious.”

“I think the obvious might be it. I could get past the age thing, if you could, but Cody would make a huge fucking deal out of this, and I’m not sure he’d be wrong.”

“Does he have to know?” Her tone is so innocent that she makes sin sound sweet.

I remind myself that it’s not. That even if we hide it, the truth will come out someday and then what?

“I can’t fuck you once and not think about you again.” I grip my hand around her smooth throat and stare up at her sweet little face. “If I take this tight little pussy, my girl, I’m taking you forever. I won’t have it any other way.”

She swallows hard and stares at me. “What if I want that too?”

“I’d say you should think about it. I’d say you need to make sure you can handle the fallout this’ll cause.”

“There won’t be a fallout,” she grinds against my hips, “because it’s our secret.”


“If it needs to be.” She moves her palm over my chest. “I want you however I can get you.”

“It’s not realistic. We can’t hide forever.”

“Why not?”

“You want a family, a barn with horses, dogs… I want to give you that.”

“I can give myself those things.”

My hand wanders off her throat and down over her chest as I palm over the hard nipples I’ve been fantasizing about for years.


She rocks back and forth. “I had a dream about you last night at the bar.”

I smile and palm over her panties. She’s soaked. “What about?”

“You were touching me…” She swallows hard and leans her head back as though she’s giving me more room to work. “You had your cock edged to press into me when I woke up. I’ve been needing you ever since.”

I have a feeling it would be embarrassing how fast I could come right now.

“We should stop.” That’s it, the last bit of will I had left. If she pushes past that, I’m done for… and so is she.

Her head nuzzles against my neck and her fingers weave through my beard. “I don’t want to mess around with guys my age anymore. They don’t treat me right. I think you would.”

“You’re right, I would, but that doesn’t change the fact that we could never be together. Not like you deserve.”

My hand still sits on her pussy, my finger tapping on her clit through her thin white panties. One flick of her cotton and I’d be inside of her, pushing in deep, smelling her, taking her in.
