Chapter One


Clive stares at me from across the room. He’s easily the biggest guy here. Tall, inked, strong. His shoulders alone rival the width of the doorway. If he were looks alone, it would be easy to compartmentalize whatever feelings I’m having, but this man is more than a handsome face on a giant frame. This man is everything. He’s smart, he’s thoughtful, he’s funny, and when he walks in a room, everyone knows who’s in charge. It’s in the way he carries himself, broad and confident.

He pulls back a sip of beer. It must be the last drop because he leaves the can behind and walks toward me.

Me? Why is he walking toward me?

His jeans are tight, but his white t-shirt is tighter. The flannel he wears over the top is rolled up at the sleeves, showing off the dark ink that rings around his forearms.

I let out a heavy breath as he approaches. My heart is pounding, my cheeks are hot, and my brain is on a channel only playing static. I assume this is how I’m protecting myself from disappointment. Ya know, the one where I want this man to throw me over the bar and fuck me like he owns me, when instead he’s probably here to indiscreetly whisper how much toilet paper I have on my shoe.

I glance down to double check. Nothing there.

Maybe I left my car lights on, or I have marinara sauce on my face from the mozzarella sticks I just downed. Literally every conceivable thought is more likely than the epic fucking I’m hoping for.

His dark eyes stay locked with mine, and my heart beats faster and faster as he approaches.

The bar is busy tonight, crowded with folks who’ve come down from the mountain to hear the up-and-coming country band that’s playing on stage. We don’t always get great talent, but when we do, it’s all people talk about for months. Tonight is proof of that. I’m pretty sure the bar is over capacity.

I glance away for a second, noticing the bartender is pouring a bottle of whiskey out on the countertop.

What the hell? Sure, it's bottom shelf, but why is he pouring it onto the counter?

When I turn back, Clive is in my space. His hand moves toward my throat, and his lips land on mine, heavy and hot.

What’s happening right now?

The music dulls behind me as he bends me back onto the small round table. His big, rough hands move over my frame and my clit throbs at the gruff sound of his voice as he whispers low in my ear, “You need to be fucked, don’t you?”

My entire body heats until I’m overwhelmed, and my heart is slamming so hard against my chest I worry it’s going to stop, but somehow, it finds a way to beat harder.

Clive lifts his large body against mine, tugs down the top of my dress, and squeezes my breast with his rough hand. His tongue follows suit and so do his teeth. He scrapes over my nipple and bites down, forcing my body to lift and jump against his.

This can’t be real.

His hand drifts between my thighs and lands against my mound. He rubs over me, grinding the heel of his palm against my clit until I’m sufficiently soaked.

He groans as he says, “I need to know what you feel like, little girl. You want me inside of you?”

I moan out some sort of reply that’s a cross between yes and fuck yes.

A grin spreads wide across his face. “Good girl.”

He spreads my legs wide, rests them on his shoulder, and unzips his jeans, pulling out his massive cock.

There are people everywhere, but no one seems to pay attention to us. At least not that I notice. That said, I’m a little distracted.

I watch as he jerks his length a few times before angling it toward my seam.

He’s not worried about protection or regret or anything. He’s only thinking about fucking me, and I like that.

“Tell me if this hurts.” His tone is low as he says, “I know this is your first time.”

How does he know it’s my first time? We’ve only talked half a dozen times, and when we do, it’s always about Cody. Which makes sense, considering Cody is his son, and up until a month ago, we were dating. That said… this doesn’t make sense at all. Cody wouldn’t tell his dad I’m a virgin. He has no reason to. Besides that, last I checked, Cody couldn’t stand me. I’d bet he’s looking for all kinds of reasons not to think of me. That and he and his dad don’t really have that kind of relationship. Cody is aloof and only into skateboarding and smoking weed. Clive, on the other hand, spends all his time working the land and trying to prepare for the future.

My virginity wouldn’t be a topic of conversation.