Page 76 of Deals and Daggers

She stiffened immediately. Salem gave her other friends a sideways glance before they trotted off with her.

I slowly took the last few steps toward Lyra. Her red hair glistened with the twinkling stars and fell to her waist on the outside of her slick leather jacket.

When I was arm’s length away from her, I stopped. “I didn’t think you’d be here,” I said softly.

“Disappointed to see me?” Her voice held a teasing tone, but I didn’t miss the hurt that flashed across her sparkling eyes.

My chest tightened. “Never.”

She scoffed and propped a hand on her hip. “Don’t lie for my sake. You’ve clearly been trying your best to stay as far away from me as possible.”

I hated that I hurt her. That was the last fucking thing I ever wanted to do.

I took half a step closer. “I’m just surprised. I never thought you’d willingly show up to an event full of demons.”

“Well, now that I know I’m partially one of them, it’s becoming less repulsive.”

I took another half step. We were merely a foot apart now, the invisible tether between us sucking me in. Lyra tilted her chin to look up at me, that determined look on her face only growing stronger.

“Besides,” Lyra continued after a few seconds, “Natalie dragged me here along with her.”

I nodded thoughtfully after a second. “My brother seems to want her around just as much.”

“Well, he should be careful. If Natalie ever gets hurt…”

“She won’t,” I interrupted. “He won’t let anything happen to her.” Just like I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.

Lyra stilled, her bright eyes searching mine for… for…

The intensity of her gaze became too much. I looked away and turned my attention to a piece of her cherry hair that flew across her face with the wind. I picked it up, twirling it between my fingers.

Time stopped. The lake house went quiet around us.

It was easy to forget the absolute shitshow life had turned into when I was near her.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered. Hell, I didn’t even realize I said the words until they had already left my lips.

I felt Lyra’s gaze sharpen. “You’re sorry?” she whispered.

“You don’t deserve this. Any of this.” I let my hand fall to her shoulder, my fingers tangling with even more of her silky strands.

“Don’t do that,” she murmured. “Don’t try to pretend like you know what I do and do not deserve.” She leaned into my touch, shattering my remaining restraint.

“Things are different now,” I whispered. “Things are changing, Ly.”

“Tell me.” She was so close now, our chests nearly touched as she craned her head up at me. “Tell me what’s going on, Alek. Tell me what’s happening in here.” She reached up and tapped my temple.

I caught her hand with mine, pulling it to my chest and holding it there.

I wanted to tell her. Fuck, I wanted to tell her. But how? How could I tell her that I had turned into a monster, turned into something I couldn’t even face in the mirror?

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but we were interrupted by Natalie’s voice cutting through the air.

“Lyra Sol!” she screamed, her voice strung with the effects of the alcohol. “You better get up here and dance with me!”

On cue, the blaring music morphed, changing into a series of beats that shook my bones all the way to my core.

Lyra stared at me a moment longer. I knew what she was doing. She waited for me to object, to tell her the truth, to pull her away and explain everything.